loqui / im

Loqui IM allows you to use all your chat accounts in just one FirefoxOS or Ubuntu Touch app.
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add support for textsecure #395

Open pravi opened 10 years ago

pravi commented 10 years ago

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TextSecure It would be really awesome to connect with best Free Software text messaging software out there.

aesedepece commented 10 years ago

@unknowndevice and @garrettr are also interested in this.

Zeriuno commented 10 years ago

It would be really great.

pravi commented 10 years ago

Currently whatsapp is the only option available on Firefox os to use data connection as a cheaper text messaging alternative. I don't want to lose my privacy using whatsapp. Jabber/xmpp is a good option, but unfortunately the convenience of identifying contacts with their phone number is missing here. Plus it cannot really work asynchronously like whatsapp. Being a free software community caring about freedoms and privacy makes our responsibility to respond to this situation even higher. Even if I ask my contacts to use xmpp it cannot be a drop in replacement to whatsapp. Adding textsecure support will bridge a large and critical vaccuum in Firefox os. I hope this request will be considered with the importance this deserves. Cyonegen mod has already included textsecure as default. It is a good opportunity for loqui im to show Firefox is community's commitment to freedom and privacy by including text secure support in loqui im, possibly making it as default text messaging app like cyanogen mod.

pravi commented 10 years ago

I feel strongly about this feature, I'm willing to run a crowd funding campaign to get this feature built. I was part of savepoddery.com campaign.

If we can find someone to work on this feature and get an estimate of time and effort required, we can start raising money to fund someone full time.

codedust commented 10 years ago

A JavaScript implementation of Textsecure is currently being worked on (https://github.com/WhisperSystems/TextSecure-Browser). We should definitly wait until it gets more stable and is fully audited. Mainwhile I will do some testing on Firefox OS.

aesedepece commented 10 years ago


nicokant commented 9 years ago

Hi, are there some news about this issue?

aesedepece commented 9 years ago

The Yowsup project already have it working. We will use it as reference, but there are a few required libraries that need to be ported yet to Javascript.

codedust commented 9 years ago

The guys building the Textsecure browser extension have separated the crypto part of the extension from the UI stuff last week. The best stating point for an implementation would probably be WhisperSystems/TextSecure-Browser/libtextsecure.