loqusion / hyprshade

Hyprland shader configuration tool
MIT License
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AUR installation fails with `hyprland exists in filesytem` #16

Closed stickyburn closed 6 months ago

stickyburn commented 6 months ago

Installing hyprshade with yay fails with:

(13/13) checking for file conflicts                                      [#########################################] 100%
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
hyprland: /usr/bin/Hyprland exists in filesystem
hyprland: /usr/bin/hyprctl exists in filesystem
hyprland: /usr/lib/libwlroots.so.13032 exists in filesystem
hyprland: /usr/share/wayland-sessions exists in filesystem

I just reinstalled Hyprland but built it manually. Could that be linked?

Thanks! :heart:

loqusion commented 6 months ago

hyprland is marked as a dependency in hyprshade's PKGBUILD. There might be some way to mark hyprland as installed without actually installing it with pacman, but I'm unaware of it.

To save headache, I'd recommend installing your local copy of hyprland with makepkg -i to have it registered in pacman's database.

stickyburn commented 6 months ago

Can I pass flags like no-systemd with makepkg?

loqusion commented 6 months ago


loqusion commented 6 months ago

Oh btw, hyprshade install which activates shaders on schedule does depend on systemd atm