lordfriky / web-cfw-loader

A payload launcher made in javascript for the Nintendo Switch
MIT License
108 stars 63 forks source link

Translation to Spanish #57

Closed ElCosmoXD closed 4 years ago

ElCosmoXD commented 5 years ago

The page is not fully translated, here is a snippet of the translated page code to make it easier to update ;)

Captura 1

The code in spanish: <p>En Linux, tu puedes obtener el error de 'Acceso Denegado' o 'Dispositivo no compatible' En el dialogo cuanto conectas! Tu puedes intentar crear un archivo con: <code>/etc/udev/rules.d/50-switch.rules</code>Con Los siguientes contenidos:<br><code>SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0955", MODE="0664", GROUP="plugdev"</code> y despues agrega tu mismo a el grupo "plugdev" escribiendo: <code>sudo usermod -a -G plugdev YOUR_NAME</code></p>

Captura 2

The code in spanish: <p id="warningTested">Esto ha sido probado y aparentemente funciona en: Linux, OSX, Android (Sin Root) y Chromebooks. Su experiencia puede ser diferente.</p>

Captura 3

The code in spanish:

<p><strong id="labelInstructions">Instrucciones:</strong></p>
          <li id="liRCM">Pon tu switch en RCM, y conectalo en tu dispositivo.</li>
          <li id="liSelect">Selecciona entre el payload, de ejemplo o sube uno como "Kosmos".</li>
          <li id="liPress">Presiona 'Lanzar Payload!'</li>
          <li id="liAPX">En la pantalla que aparece, seleccione 'APX' y presione 'Conectar'.</li>
          <li id="liLaunch">Si todo va bien, el payload sera lanzado!</li>

Captura 4

The code in spanish: <p>Guia de hackeos: <strong><a href="https://guide.teamatlasnx.com">AQUI</a></strong></p>

Captura 5 The code in spanish: <p id="labelContribute">Si tu quisieras ayudar con una traduccion o subiendo/añadiendo un payload, mira <a href="https://github.com/AtlasNX/web-cfw-loader/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md">esto</a>.</p>

Captura 7

The code in spanish:

<div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2 col-lg-6 col-lg-offset-3">
        <h1 id="h1SetupDelivery">Lanzamiento del Payload</h1>

        <form id="mainForm">
          <div class="row">
            <div class="col-xs-6">
              <h4 id="h4SelectPayload">Selecciona el Payload:</h4>

            <div class="col-xs-6">
              <select class="pull-right" id="payloadSelect" onchange="onSelectChange()">
                <option value="CTCaer_Hekate" id="optionCTCaerHekate">Hekate</option>
                <option value="uploaded" id="optionUpload">Lanzar Payload</option>

          <div class="row" id="uploadContainer" style="display: none">
            <div class="col-xs-12">
              <input style="float: right" type="file" id="payloadUpload" accept=".bin">
          <div class="row divider-line"></div>

          <div class="row margin-top-md">
            <div class="col-xs-10">
              <h4 id="h4GetByteArray">Obtener el payload byte array</h4>
            <div class="col-xs-2">
              <input class="pull-right" type="checkbox" name="shouldDebug" id="shouldDebug">
          <div class="row divider-line"></div>

PD: Sorry for not adding the "es_ES.js" but I didn't read the contribution.md :(

AnnsAnns commented 5 years ago

No worries, thank you so much for your PR/Issue

ElCosmoXD commented 5 years ago


AnnsAnns commented 5 years ago

(The translation hasn't been updated yet, wait for somebody to commit it before closing this issue lol)

ElCosmoXD commented 5 years ago


ElCosmoXD commented 5 years ago

ok, i'm waiting :)

ElCosmoXD commented 5 years ago

@tumGER One question, how do Payloads convert to Hexadecimal for javascript? Because I would like to carry payloads for web pages like this.

AnnsAnns commented 5 years ago

It's quite simple - Upload a payload, check the "don't 'sploit" button and then copy the console's binary output to the payload.js variable for hekate (which is the hacky problem with this)

ElCosmoXD commented 5 years ago

wow, is very simple, Thank You.

lordfriky commented 4 years ago

The full spanish translation is there, I actually made it more than a year ago, but it seems like something broke the translation script, since the rest of the languages aren't properly working neither. :b

I'll try to track down the bug this week and fix it.

lordfriky commented 4 years ago

Wow, this issue was made 4 months ago and no one complained about other languages to be broken too. Seems like no one is carying about web-cfw-loader now or not a lot of people knows about this tool or why it is such a big deal for Chromebook users like myself. :c

ElCosmoXD commented 4 years ago

i forked this project for fix the broken languages. And i can see the error. For now the error is what the files like es-MX.js don't have all the traduction. But I am working to solve it. :D

lordfriky commented 4 years ago

The repo contains a full (outdated) spanish translation, there's no need to modify the file to fix this. Also, I made a PR to fix this some minutes ago.

ElCosmoXD commented 4 years ago

I gonna check the possible bugs, and i try to fix this.

AnnsAnns commented 4 years ago

Wow, this issue was made 4 months ago and no one complained about other languages to be broken too. Seems like no one is carying about web-cfw-loader now or not a lot of people knows about this tool or why it is such a big deal for Chromebook users like myself. :c

It's quite simple, most people just use the standard language and keeping languages updated is a huge pita.

ElCosmoXD commented 4 years ago

Anyway, the error is already fixed.