Due to daylight saving time (DST), there is one day with 23 hours and one with 25 hours once a year.
This leads to incorrect results when calculation the number of days by just dividing the millis difference
by 24 hours. Example (German time zone): one tick on 24 Mar 17 and one on 27 Mar 17 gave a break of
1 day instead of 2; one tick on 26 Mar 17 and one on 27 Mar 17 gave a streak of 1 instead of 2. This
bugfix corrects the breaks / streaks calculation for time spans including the DST change moment.
Due to daylight saving time (DST), there is one day with 23 hours and one with 25 hours once a year. This leads to incorrect results when calculation the number of days by just dividing the millis difference by 24 hours. Example (German time zone): one tick on 24 Mar 17 and one on 27 Mar 17 gave a break of 1 day instead of 2; one tick on 26 Mar 17 and one on 27 Mar 17 gave a streak of 1 instead of 2. This bugfix corrects the breaks / streaks calculation for time spans including the DST change moment.