lordmulder / DynamicAudioNormalizer

Dynamic Audio Normalizer
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Output doesn’t show much difference #30

Closed AVer-V003280 closed 4 weeks ago

AVer-V003280 commented 1 month ago

First of all, thank you for providing the repository. I’m new to this. I used DynamicAudioNormalizer.2017-04-14.Windows-DLL package. I ran the command: DynamicAudioNormalizerCLI.exe -i "example4_no_noise_16k.wav" -o "out_normalized.wav" in the Windows command prompt, but the output doesn’t show much difference.


Could you please let me know if I made a mistake somewhere?

Thanks in advance! tim chen

lordmulder commented 1 month ago

DynamicAudioNormalizer is not supposed to "show much difference" 😏

It smoothes the amplification factors over time to get consistent result (hopefully) instead of annoying "volume pumping".

Anyhow, there are many parameters you can tweak – most important the -g parameter!

So, what exactly are your parameters? All on default? If so, have you tried a somewhat smaller -g value (default is 31), which will smooth over a shorter time window and therefore produce a faster adaption (alteration) of the amplification factors?

Also, you may want to use option -l to produce a log file and inspect it with the DynamicAudioNormalizerGUI.exe application.

See also: Why does DynAudNorm not seem to change my audio at all?
