lordmulder / DynamicAudioNormalizer

Dynamic Audio Normalizer
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Support for overlapping audio frames #9

Open cmrdt opened 7 years ago

cmrdt commented 7 years ago

when the audio frames get bigger, (less risk of gap artifacts) but the get spaced further apart, and thus less time-precision if there was overlap maybe get slightly finer results?

lordmulder commented 7 years ago

Actually I think that we don't need longer frames to avoid "gap artifacts". That's because you can simply increase the filter size, i.e. the number of frames in the filter's window, if you think the filter is adjusting the amplification factor too quickly. The minimum filter followed by Gaussian smoothing filter already avoids "abrupt" changes in the amplification factor. The bigger the window, the less variation there will be.


I considered using "overlapping" windows when implementing the filter. But it would make things considerably more complex. And I don't currently see the need for it. We already do not use the same amplification factor for all samples in a frame. We interpolate (linearly) between neighboring frames.


richardpl commented 1 year ago

FFmpeg filter dynaudnorm have overlap option implemented.

lordmulder commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the info!

But, even though the FFmpeg filter was based on idea from DynAudNorm (I believe), it is whole different/new code.

So, will not be trivial to back-port overlap option...