lordmulder / LameXP

Audio Encoder Front-End
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Error importing cue files if filename or title is longer than 40 characters #112

Closed Stony-HD closed 1 year ago

Stony-HD commented 1 year ago

If the filename of the CUE file contains more than 40 characters (and/or special characters), some tracks where not imported. Sometimes all titles are skipped.

A similar behavior occurs when track or artist name are longer than 40 characters and/or contain special characters. However, generally only the title is skipped without any notification or error message why they are skipped.

It should be easy to remove all special characters (or at least those that are not allowed in filenames) and truncate the folder name and title, artist name at 40 characters.

lordmulder commented 1 year ago

There is no "hard" length limit in the CUE parser. Also, there should be no problems with "special character", because the CUE parser is fully Unicode aware. But, of course, you have to select the correct character encoding! That is necessary, because CUE files have no meta-data that would indicate the concrete character encoding. By default, we assume your system's default character encoding, but you can select UTF-8 or whatever is needed to correctly decode for the specific CUE file.

If the CUE file contains any FILE lines with characters which are not allowed in file names, then that's obviously a broken CUE file! Of course, in TITLE or PERFORMER lines, there is no restriction on which characters may be used.

Anyway, if you think there is a problem with the CUE parser, please provide a ZIP file containing the "problematic" CUE file along with all required input file, so that the problem can be reproduced...


BTW: Note that some file formats have limitations on the meta-tags that they can store. For example, the MP3 format uses so-called "ID3" tags to store meta information. And, in the ID3 format, the maximum length of a tag is 30 characters.

Stony-HD commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the info - selecting "UTF-8" solves the problem.

But then it would be nice if you could save this setting – for example in the "Advanced Options". Or better - in the selection dialog of the character set. E.g. with a checkbox "set as default"

Stony-HD commented 1 year ago