lordmulder / LameXP

Audio Encoder Front-End
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Checking {no re-sampling} in opus format still resamples. #62

Closed tejasvi8874 closed 6 years ago

tejasvi8874 commented 6 years ago

For e.g. 44.1kHz FLAC -> Opus ( output to 48 HZ checked ) still produces 44.1kHz Opus file.

lordmulder commented 6 years ago

Opus is a "48 KHz only" format. Anything not already at 48 KHz will be re-sampled to 48 KHz.

Actually the re-sampling happens in the Opus CLI front-end, as the actual Opus encoder library only takes 48 KHz signals as input. There is no way around this resampling to 48 KHz with the Opus format!

However, Opus will remember the "original" sampling rate, so the Opus decoder can re-sample back to the "original" sampling rate - after the actual decoding. This is the default behavior of the Opus decoder.

The option you are referring to makes the Opus decoder output the 48 KHz signal outright.

tejasvi8874 commented 6 years ago

The option you are referring to makes the Opus decoder output the 48 KHz signal outright.

That's what it is not doing. It always outputs original frequency irrespective of ticking the option (i.e. in both cases). It works fine in stable version.

lordmulder commented 6 years ago

Actually, the "opusdec" option to output 48 KHz, regardless of the "original" sampling rate was a custom patch added by me. Latest version of "opusdec" had a lot of major changes though! They use "libopusfile" now (which in turn uses "libopus"), rather than using "libopus" directly. I need to figure out if and how my custom patch can be ported to the new implementation of "opusdec"...

lordmulder commented 6 years ago

Sorry for the delay. Should be fixed in 6ae5295cf13c4630d90105eb2e800348b95508af. Please try new TEST build: LameXP-BETA.2018-03-17.Release-Static.Build-2104.exe
