lordmulder / LameXP

Audio Encoder Front-End
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Renaming Presets #78

Open nofatclips opened 5 years ago

nofatclips commented 5 years ago

I would love to have the renaming feature closer to the Output panel in the GUI, in order to avoid opening the Advanced Options every time. Since the full renaming box would clutter the elegant interface of LameXP, I was thinking of something like Presets that can be defined and saved in the Advanced panel and then selected in the Output Directory panel.

The case use for this is having (as it is my case) two different patterns for renaming a file: half of the times I'm encoding full albums and therefore don't want to include the artist's name, and the other half I'm extracting a single track from an album, therefore I want to add the artist name.

Since I don't always remember what pattern I set last time (if any) at the moment I always need to open the Advanced Options panel to check the Rename Pattern and change it if needed.

With the Presets I would go and save the two patterns once and for all. Then, there would be something like a combo box in the lower part of the Output panel where I would select between no renaming or one of the two patterns that I saved earlier.

Thanks for your attention.


lordmulder commented 5 years ago

Having presets just for "Rename Patterns" seems a bit specific for me. The next user probably wants "presets" for something else. Maybe we should have presets for the "Advanced Options" tab as a whole

But that certainly wouldn't be trivial to implement. So this is probably not happening anytime soon 😕
