lordmulder / LameXP

Audio Encoder Front-End
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trackNo rename pattern option counts total tracks instead of trackNo from filetag? #91

Closed matjojo closed 1 year ago

matjojo commented 4 years ago

I think I remember in the past having converted my files and having used the replace tag as the fileNo in the album, so that it makes filenames akin to this:

base/album1/[1] trackTitle 1 (of album 1) base/album1/[2] trackTitle 2 (of album 1) ... base/album2/[1] trackTitle 1 (of album 2)

But after running build 2240 today I was surprised to see trackNo being replaced with what I think is the total number of files having been converted up until that point? This makes that option mostly useless for me, but I'm sure someone can use that.

Anyways before I waste another couple hours of time converting my whole collection to the wrong filename, is there a way to get the trackNo in the album (so the one from the filetag) to appear in the filename?

matjojo commented 4 years ago

I tried some more stuff and found that in the Meta Data tab there was an option to set the 'position' to (Not specified) which would carry over into this trackNo replacer.

So I guess what I want already exists, it's just buried real good. Do you think you could add some text in the 'Show list of Macros' that explains this? I found this to be very confusing.

Maybe even rename (or a mouseover if the current name seems to ingrained to change) the position option in the meta data tab to track number or trackNo? This partly for clarity (position seems quite confusing a name to me) and also to show the link with the 'trackNo' option better, as currently without trial and error I have found no way to find this out in the client.