lordpretzel / mu4e-views

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Support for evil-mode bindings #4

Open A6GibKm opened 4 years ago

A6GibKm commented 4 years ago

Support bindings for evil-mode. This can be done by sending a PR to https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection.

Currently the situation for evil-mode is that the bindings for mu4e-views do not work at all.

lordpretzel commented 4 years ago

makes sense, I'll look into this once I find some time. Since, mu4e is already supported I can probably steal the keybindings from there which would make this more tractable.

lordpretzel commented 3 years ago

Ok, better late then never. I've submitted a pull request for evil-collection: https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection/pull/429 Let's see what they say. I am not using evil-mode personally, but I did some basic testing that the keybindings work.