loreese / sherlock

Orientalism in Sherlock Holmes
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project update #5 #11

Open loreese opened 5 years ago

loreese commented 5 years ago

This week was incredibly productive and we got a lot accomplished and planned out. As we established a mark-up convention last week, we build upon that to provide a more succinct return of information. Last week Lo wrote a schema, which now needs to be modified to account for the edited and additional conventions we established. Moving forward, Kelly is going to re-organize our repo so that unnecessary files are cleaned up. We also decided to both have an entire chapter marked up for our last meeting before spring break. We are also going to begin including metadata in our text file.

engeljonathan98 commented 5 years ago

In terms of organizing your directory, one convention used in mobile app design that I think is really helpful is to differentiate between screens and resources. That is, you would have one folder for your HTML pages (or you just keep them all on the same level as your index) and one folder for all the other assets you use in your project. What that might look like for you is something like:

That's typically used for just application development, not necessarily holding data like your XML and Schema, but that could still be called a "resource".

k-busko commented 5 years ago

In regards to you getting rid of necessary files, what exactly does that mean? Are you guys getting rid of data that is no longer useful to your team or is there just an excess of data and you just want to cut down the number of things you will have to mark up?

khuber116 commented 5 years ago

It seems like you guys are in a great spot. Having your markup conventions and schema set in place is going to be extremely helpful in marking up the larger sections you're planning on working with. Re-organizing the file system is something that our project group is working on this week as well so I think looking at how the other groups do this, as well as the suggestion above will be very helpful.

emmamamula commented 5 years ago

Are you going to be marking up the entire novel or just certain chapters? As other students have mentioned, is the cleanup of your repo going to consist mainly of deleting files that no longer serve your project, or establishing a different file-folder system (similar to the one suggested above)? It seems like you made great progress, especially with your markup, which you have already ridded of pseudo-markup.

Ethandaniel47 commented 5 years ago

How will you be including and structuring metadata into your documents? Will it serve any function other than bibliographical? For my groups project we are using publication dates to kind of track changes. As you all are only using one text, is there anything you can find in the metadata that might add to your research question?