loreese / sherlock

Orientalism in Sherlock Holmes
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project update #10 #21

Open loreese opened 5 years ago

loreese commented 5 years ago

This week we mostly focused on visualizations for our data and had a very productive discussion. After creating some mock-ups, we decided to keep it on the simple side to communicate our findings. We're going to be creating stacked bar charts to visualize differences in Sherlock and Watson's speech, stacking their respective positive, negative, and ambiguous use of words according to four categories we assigned. We will also be creating another stacked bar chart, though this one will have two stacked bars side by side to account for the western or eastern host being referenced in each attitude category. This second chart will also have the positive, negative, and ambiguous uses stacked for each category so that these values between the east and west can be compared side by side. While not as aesthetically exciting as the Nightingale chart we came in with, this visual approach is more digestible for an audience. This is probably for the best as our project findings are on the more abstract side. The SVG will be taken up by Lo this week, while Kelly will be finishing up the text page and its interactive features using some JavaScript for our site. We also discussed how to approach our final presentations for next week and decided to split our presentation between us. Since we only have two group members and we worked more or less independently on certain parts of the project, we thought it would be better to to discuss the work we each did. Lo will be taking on the conceptual and visual analysis components of the site, and Kelly will discuss the work she did with the interactive parts of our text rendering.

emmamamula commented 5 years ago

It sounds like your group is finishing the final touches of your project. I think with your data, which you refer to as more "abstract" will be represented using a bar graph. Also, like you said I think that bar graphs are the most user-friendly and I think having to separate ones will limit the possibility of confusion for the user.

I think it splitting the presentation between the two of you is wise since there was a lot of independent work, it will ensure that the person who completed a particular aspect of the project is the one who discusses their reasoning or process. I am excited to see your final webpage and hear about your findings!

k-busko commented 5 years ago

By deciding to not use other types of data visuals, you are limiting the degree of detail you can show about the information you have gathered. That being said, our group has also discussed just using bar graphs to depict data as it is easiest for both our own and the viewer's comprehension of the data. If you had more time to complete this project, would you use something more intricate to display data? For example, for depicting about positive or negative descriptors, would you consider using something like a heat map to show the frequency of each?

MLuckman commented 5 years ago

How do you plan to finish the website work? It appears largely incomplete - do you plan on working on it to use as a presentation aid, or are you putting it off for after the presentations?

MJB288 commented 5 years ago

You seem to have a really solid plan for this week. You also have your visualizations planned out, which is a major plus. I also like your idea for your presentation, splitting up the speech between who's worked on what. Solid Progress all around, looking forward to your presentation.

AncientGreekGeek commented 5 years ago

Looking forward to your presentation! Your idea for the second chart sounds really interesting and I can't wait to see the final product!