loreese / sherlock

Orientalism in Sherlock Holmes
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update #4 #9

Open loreese opened 5 years ago

loreese commented 5 years ago

This week we made steady progress considering we had to meet earlier than usual. We are a step closer to nailing down our quantifiable research question and have decided to consider the differences between how Sherlock and Watson discuss or view oriental elements in the novel. Most importantly, we have finally established a tagging convention. We also have a document of the text structurally marked up on our project GitHub so we are ready to start doing the work of tagging the document itself. Moving forward we are going to spend our extra time this week working on a schema to validate our mark-up when we begin that process in the near future. We have divided up the 12 chapters between Kelly and myself as well, so we can begin reading through the text and thinking more concretely about our own mark-up tasks.

Ethandaniel47 commented 5 years ago

Have you all talked to your project mentor about ways in which you might incorporate automated mark-up? I can imagine that reading through and tagging an entire novel is time consuming and tedious (I speak from the experience of spending the better part of an hour marking up a single poem). This might be a beneficial tactic considering how much work you've given yourselves. Granted, I personally know nothing about the process, only that Gabi mentioned something about it to my group during our last meeting.

rmf96 commented 5 years ago

I am really excited to see what your final, specific research question is. We've had some issues 100% nailing ours down as well, so I understand your pain. As for your current question, have you decided on whether you're going to be looking at just adjectives that are used or whole phrases? Or any other linguistic features that you'll be especially keeping your eye on?

k-busko commented 5 years ago

I think the way you guys are heading in terms of organization is solid. Will you guys be categorizing your linguistic information based on each character? Specifically speaking, creating a visual representation between Sherlock's and Watson's different/similar perceptions of the bodies they are critiquing.