The Rights info in the book_info function is no longer returned by the safaribooks API. If you comment it out the script still won't work it just gives a Rights warning and aborts. What is the format info['Rights'] is supposed to be in?
def book_info(self, info):
description = self.parse_description(info["description"]).replace("\n", " ")
for t in [
("Title", info["title"]), ("Authors", ", ".join(aut["name"] for aut in info["authors"])),
("Identifier", info["identifier"]), ("ISBN", info["isbn"]),
("Publishers", ", ".join(pub["name"] for pub in info["publishers"])),
("Rights", info["rights"]),
("Description", description[:500] + "..." if len(description) >= 500 else description),
("Release Date", info["issued"]),
("URL", info["web_url"])
The Rights info in the book_info function is no longer returned by the safaribooks API. If you comment it out the script still won't work it just gives a Rights warning and aborts. What is the format info['Rights'] is supposed to be in? def book_info(self, info): description = self.parse_description(info["description"]).replace("\n", " ")