lorenzodonini / ocpp-go

Open Charge Point Protocol implementation in Go
MIT License
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Unhandled/error validation for `TransactionEventRequest` eventType:`Started` with idToken/IdTokenType (type:`NoAuthorization` and empty `idtoken` value) #223

Closed dwibudut closed 1 year ago

dwibudut commented 1 year ago

Unhandled validation for TransactionEventRequest eventType:Started with idToken/IdTokenType (type:NoAuthorization and empty idtoken value)

Sample Request to CSMS:

ocpp message (e38b849f-063f-4f36-8a67-4842dfba820e): OccurrenceConstraintViolation - Field Call.Payload.IDToken.IdToken required but not found for feature TransactionEvent


This is for charging station with authorization using a start button


in OCPP 2.0.1 Edition 2: Part 2 - Specification image


To fix this, is to just remove required on IdToken.IdToken value? Is there any impact on other handles?


cc: @lorenzodonini