lorenzofox3 / Smart-Table

Code source of Smart Table module: a table/grid for Angularjs
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[Info] Date filter plugin #718

Closed brazorf closed 7 years ago

brazorf commented 7 years ago

Hi, i'm searching for a custom date plugin that takes into account localized date formats. I've found tons of custom made plugins and solutions, as if everyone is coding his own. Isn't there a released, working one that we can use and assume as a standard?

Thank you.

lorenzofox3 commented 7 years ago

Totally out of topic

brazorf commented 7 years ago

TIL that, on the Smart-table issue queue, a question about a Smart-table plugin is totally out of topic.

If someone out there released this kind of plugin please drop me a line; otherwise we'll just code the 1000th-godziliard clone ourself.

lorenzofox3 commented 7 years ago

Sorry I was a bit harsh but 1) I don't see how a date filter can be related to a table plugin, this is more specific to angular rather than smart-table 2) And if there are already 999 impl, why not just simply searching for one of them ... 3) As stated this section is for issue/bug report, no open questions. Please use stackoverflow or the chat for that.

TIL that, on the Smart-table issue queue, a question about a Smart-table plugin is totally out of topic.

Actually yes (see 3 )

Thanks for you contrib and mea culpa