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Diatom Bowler Paper #10

Closed loretopaulinojr closed 6 months ago

loretopaulinojr commented 7 months ago

Notes on the paper, as you see there is a lot of content about diatoms.

loretopaulinojr commented 7 months ago
loretopaulinojr commented 7 months ago

Importance of Diatoms

  1. Primary Producers:

    • Diatoms contribute to a significant portion of primary production in aquatic ecosystems, accounting for approximately 20% of global photosynthetic carbon fixation in marine environments.
  2. Biodiversity:

    • Diatoms are incredibly diverse, with an estimated 100,000 species. This diversity makes them one of the most abundant and varied groups of phytoplankton.
  3. Oxygen Production:

    • Diatoms produce approximately 20-25% of the world's oxygen, making them a crucial contributor to the Earth's oxygen supply.
  4. Carbon Sequestration:

    • Diatoms play a role in sequestering carbon in the ocean. They are responsible for the burial of up to 10 Gt (gigatons) of carbon annually in marine sediments.
  5. Nutrient Cycling:

    • Diatoms are significant in nutrient cycling, particularly in marine ecosystems. They are responsible for a large portion of silica and carbon uptake in marine waters.
  6. Indicator Species:

    • Diatoms are commonly used as bioindicators in environmental monitoring. Changes in diatom communities can indicate shifts in water quality and ecosystem health.
  7. Economic Importance:

    • Diatoms have commercial value. The diatomaceous earth, derived from fossilized diatoms, is used in various industries, including filtration, agriculture, and pharmaceuticals.
loretopaulinojr commented 7 months ago

Diatoms' Importance in Marine Ecosystems

loretopaulinojr commented 7 months ago

Genome Sequencing and Insights in Diatoms

loretopaulinojr commented 7 months ago

Insights from Diatom Genome Sequences

loretopaulinojr commented 7 months ago

The passage discusses the challenges and advancements in assigning specific functions to genes, particularly in diatoms. Here's a breakdown of what it's saying:

  1. Assigning Function to Genes: The goal is to determine what each gene does or its specific role in an organism.

  2. Challenges with Correlations: Simply observing correlations between genes and certain traits doesn't provide definitive proof of a gene's function.

  3. Gold Standard in Biology: The most definitive way to understand a gene's function is to "knock out" or deactivate the gene and observe the resulting effects on the organism. If the organism shows a specific change (perturbation), it suggests the gene was responsible for that function.

  4. Advancements in Diatom Research:

    • Techniques for genetic transformation (altering genes) in diatoms have been developed and reported.
    • Techniques are particularly advanced for a specific diatom species, P. tricornutum.
    • A method called RNA interference (RNAi) has been described. This technique can be used to deactivate or "silence" specific genes, allowing researchers to study their functions.
  5. Demonstration of the Technique's Utility: The RNAi technique was used to deactivate a gene involved in DNA repair. When this gene was silenced, the cells became more sensitive to UV irradiation (a type of DNA-damaging radiation). This demonstrated the gene's role in DNA repair.

  6. Conclusion: With these advanced techniques, particularly RNAi, there are no longer technical obstacles preventing scientists from determining the function of uncharacterized genes in diatoms.

loretopaulinojr commented 7 months ago
loretopaulinojr commented 7 months ago
loretopaulinojr commented 7 months ago

Climate Change Impact on Diatoms

loretopaulinojr commented 7 months ago


Carbon Continue

Inorganic Carbon Metabolism in Diatoms:

Diatom Genome and HCO3 Uptake:

Diatom Photosynthesis Mechanisms:

PEPC and Diatom Photosynthesis:

Diatom Cellular Processes:

Role of Mitochondria in Diatoms:

loretopaulinojr commented 7 months ago

What is one thing you thought was interesting.

I found the article amazing, it made me really want to work with diatoms.

I guess to bring up a conversation, we study bacterial strains. In these strain we have these genomes that allow us to see the mechanisms that happen within these organisms. Which so happens diatoms also have genomic code on which we can look into the same way.

Now the way I am thinking about it is the level of being a bioindicator.

loretopaulinojr commented 7 months ago

How do bacteria and diatoms differ in their roles as bioindicators?

Bacteria as Bioindicators:

  1. Composition-Based Assessment: By examining the types and relative abundance of bacterial species present in a sample, scientists can infer specific environmental conditions. Different bacteria thrive under different conditions, so their presence or absence can provide clues about factors like pH, nutrient levels, salinity, and more.

  2. Physiological Reactions: Bacteria are sensitive to changes in their environment. For instance, the presence of specific bacterial species might indicate pollution or other environmental disturbances. Some bacteria are known to metabolize specific pollutants, and their abundance might suggest contamination.

  3. Rapid Response: Bacterial populations can change relatively quickly in response to environmental changes, making them valuable for detecting recent disturbances or changes in environmental conditions.

Diatoms as Bioindicators:

  1. Quality-Based Assessment: Diatoms are single-celled algae with unique silica shells. The species composition and morphology of diatoms can indicate water quality, salinity, pH, and other environmental parameters. Certain species of diatoms are associated with specific water quality conditions.

  2. Production Metrics: Diatoms produce organic matter through photosynthesis. By assessing factors like diatom biomass or productivity, scientists can gain insights into nutrient availability, light conditions, and overall water quality. Changes in diatom productivity might indicate nutrient enrichment (eutrophication) or other disturbances.

  3. Indicators of Past Conditions: Diatom fossils (diatomaceous earth) have been used to reconstruct past environmental conditions. The species composition of fossilized diatoms in sediment layers can provide historical insights into environmental changes over time.

In summary, while both bacteria and diatoms can serve as bioindicators, they offer different types of information. Bacterial communities provide insights into current environmental conditions based on their composition and physiological reactions. In contrast, diatoms offer information about both current conditions (through species composition and productivity) and historical environmental changes (through fossilized remains).

loretopaulinojr commented 7 months ago

Bacterial (Prokaryotic) Characteristics:

  1. Genetic Material:

    • Location: Singular, circular chromosome in the nucleoid.
    • Organization: Lacks histones; no splicing.
  2. Cellular Structure:

    • Organelles: No membrane-bound organelles.
    • Ribosomes: 70S.
  3. Cell Wall:

    • Contains peptidoglycan.
    • Some have an outer membrane (e.g., Gram-negative).
  4. Reproduction:

    • Asexual reproduction via binary fission.
    • Genetic material exchange: conjugation, transformation, transduction.
  5. Size: 0.5 to 5 micrometers.

Eukaryotic Characteristics:

  1. Genetic Material:

    • Location: Enclosed within the nuclear membrane.
    • Organization: Multiple linear chromosomes with histones; splicing occurs.
  2. Cellular Structure:

    • Organelles: Membrane-bound organelles present.
    • Ribosomes: 80S, both free and bound.
  3. Cell Wall:

    • Present in some (e.g., plants, fungi) but varies in composition.
  4. Reproduction:

    • Asexual (e.g., mitosis) and sexual (e.g., meiosis, fertilization).
  5. Size: 10 to 100 micrometers.

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loretopaulinojr commented 7 months ago

Differences in Histone Presence Between Bacteria and Eukaryotes:


  1. Genome Size and Organization:

    • Typically larger and more complex.
    • DNA organized into multiple linear chromosomes.
  2. Packaging Requirement:

    • DNA needs to be tightly packed due to its complexity.
    • Histones play a role in this packaging, forming nucleosomes.
  3. DNA Compaction:

    • Histones wrap DNA, facilitating condensation and efficient storage.
  4. Regulation of Gene Expression:

    • Histone modifications (e.g., acetylation, methylation) influence DNA accessibility.
    • Complex mechanisms for transcriptional regulation.


  1. Genome Size and Organization:

    • Generally smaller and more compact.
    • DNA is usually a singular, circular chromosome in the nucleoid.
  2. No Need for Compaction:

    • Bacterial DNA's compact nature reduces the need for extensive packaging.
  3. Direct Regulation:

    • Bacteria regulate gene expression more directly without histone-mediated processes.

In summary, while eukaryotes utilize histones for DNA packaging and regulation due to their complex genomes, bacteria have evolved alternative mechanisms suited to their simpler genomic organization.