Open jonashaag opened 2 years ago
Hi Jonas, love the feedback. Thanks for taking the time. I might need to check more thoroughly, but here are some thoughts of things to be fixed/improved on my side:
Resulting issues and enhancements:
Just saw that @QuantCo
is @Quantco
on your profile. Maybe that's also related to #18
Just saw that
on your profile
Oops, my bad.
Re: pip, it installs 0.1.2
for me oO
pip install --pre mlscraper --no-deps
Collecting mlscraper
Using cached mlscraper-0.1.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (12 kB)
Installing collected packages: mlscraper
Successfully installed mlscraper-0.1.2
Okay, issue identified, cause still unclear. You would need the 1.0.0rc2 version.
Maybe because 1.0 is python 3.9+? If that's not it, I'm out of ideas. Just tried with docker and ubuntu-latest, worked like a charm.
Yep, that's the cause. User error, case closed :)
While fixing, found #23
Have added the Github profiles as a test case and re-worked training, should now work reasonably fast.
CSS selectors are flaky at times, need to find a reasonable heuristic to prefer good ones.
Here's another example that doesn't work in case you're looking for work :-D
import requests
from mlscraper.html import Page
from mlscraper.samples import Sample, TrainingSet
from import train_scraper
article1_url = ""
resp = requests.get(article1_url)
page = Page(resp.content)
sample = Sample(
"title": "»Dieser Kampf ist vorbei«",
"subtitle": "Ärztin Kristina Hänel nach Abstimmung über 219a",
"teaser": "Der umstrittene Paragraf zum »Werbeverbot« für Abtreibung ist seit heute Geschichte – und die Gießenerin Kristina Hänel, die seit Jahren dafür gekämpft hat, kann aufatmen. Wie geht es für die Medizinerin jetzt weiter?",
"author": "Nike Laurenz",
"published": "24.06.2022, 14.26 Uhr",
training_set = TrainingSet()
scraper = train_scraper(training_set)
resp = requests.get("")
result = scraper.get(Page(resp.content))
What does "doesn't work" mean in that context?
I think that it's impossible to get it right with one sample (and esp. for two slightly different pages). I would most likely fail to write a scraper myself just by looking at one page either.
It crashes (but with 1 sample only, haven’t tested more)
So regarding spiegel online, this was quite some work as articles have different layouts. Took me some major performance tweaks to get it running in a sensible amount of time without sacrificing correctness. I still have issues with missing authors because the scraper class raises an error instead of assuming None if no author is found, but that's fixable.
Issue #25
Here's the code:
Fixed the authors issue, now takes around 30s on my machine. Formatting by me:
INFO:root:found DictScraper (scraper_per_key={
'published': <ValueScraper self.selector=<CssRuleSelector self.css_rule='time'>, self.extractor=<TextValueExtractor>>,
'subtitle': <ValueScraper self.selector=<CssRuleSelector self.css_rule='h2 .font-sansUI'>, self.extractor=<TextValueExtractor>>,
'title': <ValueScraper self.selector=<CssRuleSelector self.css_rule='h2 > span:nth-child(2)'>, self.extractor=<TextValueExtractor>>,
'teaser': <ValueScraper self.selector=<CssRuleSelector self.css_rule='meta[name="description"]'>, self.extractor=<AttributeValueExtractor self.attr='content'>>,
'authors': <ListScraper self.selector=<CssRuleSelector self.css_rule='header a.border-b'> self.scraper=<ValueScraper self.selector=<mlscraper.selectors.PassThroughSelector object at 0x7efda0f969a0>, self.extractor=<TextValueExtractor>>>
# results of newly scraped pages
{'published': '07.07.2022, 11.34 Uhr', 'subtitle': 'Absage an Forderung der Union', 'title': 'Lambrecht will keine Transportpanzer in die Ukraine liefern', 'teaser': 'CDU und CSU fordern eine kurzfristige Lieferung von 200 Fuchs-Panzern an die Ukraine. Die Bundesverteidigungsministerin erteilt dem Vorschlag eine klare Absage – mit Hinweis auf eigene Sicherheitsinteressen.', 'authors': []}
{'published': '07.07.2022, 11.32 Uhr', 'subtitle': 'Größter Vermieter Deutschlands', 'title': 'Vonovia will nachts die Heizungen herunterdrehen', 'teaser': 'Um Energie zu sparen, will Deutschlands größter Wohnungskonzern während der Nachtstunden die Vorlauftemperatur der Heizungsanlage absenken. Die Räume werden dann allenfalls noch rund 17 Grad warm.', 'authors': []}
Impressive work 🤩
Example from a commercial application, price
doesn't work, anything else works great
To use this:
pip install requests
pip install --pre mlscraper
To automatically build any scraper, check out
import logging
import requests
from mlscraper.html import Page
from mlscraper.samples import Sample, TrainingSet
from import train_scraper
'url': '',
'title': "Schaumstoffmatratze Burmeier Basic-Fit",
#'price': '230,00 € *',
'manufacturer': 'Burmeier',
'url': '',
'title': 'Inhalationsgerät Omron NE-C28P',
#'price': '87,00 € *',
'manufacturer': 'Omron',
'url': '',
'title': 'Ruhe- und Aufstehsessel Innov Cocoon',
#'price': '1.290,00 € *',
'manufacturer': 'Innov`Sa',
def train_and_scrape():
This trains the scraper and scrapes two other pages.
scraper = train_medical_aid_scraper()
urls_to_scrape = [
for url in urls_to_scrape:
# fetch page
article_resp = requests.get(url)
page = Page(article_resp.content)
# extract result
result = scraper.get(page)
def train_medical_aid_scraper():
training_set = make_training_set_for_articles(ARTICLES)
scraper = train_scraper(training_set, complexity=2)
return scraper
def make_training_set_for_articles(articles):
This creates a training set to automatically derive selectors based on the given samples.
training_set = TrainingSet()
for article in articles:
# fetch page
article_url = article['url']
html_raw = requests.get(article_url).content
page = Page(html_raw)
# create and add sample
sample = Sample(page, article)
return training_set
if __name__ == '__main__':
There's some weird whitespace causing issues. But it works if you change the price to a proper price in dot notation (which is hidden in the html):
'url': '',
'title': "Schaumstoffmatratze Burmeier Basic-Fit",
'price': '230.00',
'manufacturer': 'Burmeier',
'url': '',
'title': 'Inhalationsgerät Omron NE-C28P',
'price': '87.00',
'manufacturer': 'Omron',
'url': '',
'title': 'Ruhe- und Aufstehsessel Innov Cocoon',
'price': '1290.00',
'manufacturer': 'Innov`Sa',
INFO:root:found DictScraper (scraper_per_key={'title': <ValueScraper self.selector=<CssRuleSelector self.css_rule='section header'>, self.extractor=<TextValueExtractor>>, 'manufacturer': <ValueScraper self.selector=<CssRuleSelector self.css_rule='li:nth-child(2) > span'>, self.extractor=<TextValueExtractor>>, 'price': <ValueScraper self.selector=<CssRuleSelector self.css_rule='.product--price meta'>, self.extractor=<AttributeValueExtractor self.attr='content'>>, 'url': <ValueScraper self.selector=<CssRuleSelector self.css_rule='meta[itemprop="url"]'>, self.extractor=<AttributeValueExtractor self.attr='content'>>})
I think generally this needs to be fixed by #15
Gave this a try :-)
is missing from the PyPI did not find scraper
Would be nice if the error message gave some guidance as to what fields couldn't be found in the HTML. Even with DEBUG log level it's not really helpful.