lorismichel / quantregForest

R package - Quantile Regression Forests, a tree-based ensemble method for estimation of conditional quantiles (Meinshausen, 2006).
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Importance of covariates #12

Open svish91 opened 3 years ago

svish91 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I saw a vignette of quantregForest and found that you library could return importance of each covariate for each selected quantile. Please see the example here; https://mran.microsoft.com/snapshot/2015-07-15/web/packages/quantregForest/vignettes/quantregForest.pdf

However, after fitting data to quantregForest for different quantiles, the function does not return the importance value of covariates corresponding to different quantile using "importance" function. Instead, it returns just one value of importance for each covariate without reporting the quantile to which it corresponds to.

Could you please let me know if there is any other way to extract importance values for each covariate for each selected quantile? Looking forward to your feedback.

Thanks, Srishti