lorniu / go-translate

Translator on Emacs. Supports multiple engines such as Google, Bing, deepL, ChatGPT, StarDict, Youdao and so on.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Could it be possible to add structured translation result into `gts-task`? #29

Closed rayw000 closed 2 years ago

rayw000 commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to write a render something like

(defclass popup-and-select-render (gts-render) ())

(cl-defmethod gts-out ((_ popup-and-select-render) task)
  (with-slots (ecode result) task
    (if ecode
        (user-error "%s" result)
      ;; do something with a structured translation list

Is there a slot of gts-task which provides structured translation result list? It could be something like

'((google "<original text>" "<translated text>")
  (google-rpc "<original text>" "<translated text>")
  (bing "<original text>" "<translated text>"))

I didn't find one. It would be useful when popping a selectable list to users and letting them choose their favorite one to insert into a buffer.

Thank you!

lorniu commented 2 years ago

You should override gts-me-out if choosing from one translate.

Then you can get all translate task/results like this:

(defmethod gts-me-out ((_ popup-and-select-render) translator task)
  (when (= (oref translator state) 3)
    (cl-loop for task in (oref translator task-queue)
             for result = (format "%s" (oref task result))
             for from = (oref task from)
             for to = (oref task to)

Code like this.