lornix / vim-scrollbar

An attempt to display a scrollbar with 'thumb' in curses-based vim. Uses the 'sign' feature of vim to display a scrollbar on the left-hand side.
47 stars 12 forks source link

Needs License, project status? #5

Closed samliu closed 9 years ago

samliu commented 9 years ago

Hi Loni,

Was wondering if you plan on maintaining this project in the future? Looks like it hasn't been touched in 3 years, if you'd like I'd be happy to maintain it. This plugin is really helpful to me in some situations.

In order to do this it would also be helpful to have a license, may I suggest the VIM license: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/uganda.html

Thanks! Sam

lornix commented 9 years ago

Well, it was more of a proof-of-concept thing at first. Someone said it wasn't possible... and you know what that meant... taa daa!

I'd be happy to let you maintain this lovely project. I sort of fell off the web for a bit, issues. Slowly finding my way back into things, and yes, haven't looked at this in some time.

In deference to my lagging memory, what need I do to allow you access?


And the VIM license will work nicely, seeing as this is a VIM plugin. L

samliu commented 9 years ago

Thanks for getting back to me Loni!

You can add me as a collaborator on the repo (username samliu) and I'll happily take over maintenance duties.