Closed ThePokerDude closed 8 months ago
[Event ""] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Board "114"] [Dealer "E"] [Vulnerable "NS"] [Deal "E:QT732.J92.AK4.AJ J5.T53.T875.K432 K86.AQ64.QJ962.9 A94.K87.3.QT8765"] [Scoring ""] [BCFlags "1f"] [Generator "BridgeComposer Version 5.104.1"] [South "WBridge5"] [West "ben0308p5dd"] [North "WBridge5"] [East "ben0308p5dd"] [Declarer "E"] [Contract "3NT"] [Result "12"] {PAR of the deal: 6S = played by West: 980 points} {PAR computation time: 00'01"} {Feasability: 8 2 2 1 2 5 11 10 11 8 8 2 2 1 2 5 11 10 12 8 } [Auction "E"] 1NT Pass 2C Pass 2NT Pass 3D Pass 3NT Pass Pass Pass [Play "S"] c4 C9 ct CJ d7 D6 d3 DA d5 D2 c5 DK d8 DQ h8 D4 dt DJ s4 H2 ck D9 s9 H9 s5 S8 sa S7 c2 H6 cq CA h3 HA h7 HJ sj SK c6 S3 c3 S6 c7 SQ h5 H4 c8 S2 ht HQ hk ST
The EW bidding is for WBridge5, and not for BEN It looks like Eamon placed BEN EW and should have placed BEN NS. This is how BEN bids it with the current default
But probably worth looking at I will close this, but you are welcome to file a report to BBA about the strange WBridge5 bidding
Does Ben play simple stayman? If yes - what is 2nt? Does it show 5card major? If it shows 5card major you shouldn't miss the spade fit.