Open ThePokerDude opened 8 months ago
[Event ""] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Board "36"] [Dealer "W"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "W:3.K532.KT86.9543 A9654.986.AQ5.AQ KQT.AQ7.9743.KJ6 J872.JT4.J2.T872"] [Scoring ""] [BCFlags "1f"] [Generator "BridgeComposer Version 5.104.1"] [South "WBridge5"] [West "ben0308p5dd"] [North "WBridge5"] [East "ben0308p5dd"] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "1NTX"] [Result "7"] {PAR of the deal: 2NT = played by East : 120 points} {PAR computation time: 00'01"} {Feasability: 5 4 4 7 5 8 9 8 6 8 5 4 4 7 5 8 9 8 6 8 } [Auction "W"] Pass 1NT X Pass Pass Pass [Play "E"] D4 dj DK da ST s2 S3 sa SQ s7 C5 s4 D3 d2 DT d5 HQ h4 H3 h6 HA ht H2 h8 CK c2 C4 ca SK s8 C3 s6 D9 hj D6 dq D7 sj C9 s5 C6 ct H5 cq H7 c7 D8 s9 CJ c8 HK h9
Another good example of missing signals. Partner has shown DK, but we know nothing about hearts, so it will often end in North. Then partner must have something in Club.
For now it is difficult to change this
After winning the trick with HA Ben shoul play diamond or heart. CK costs two tricks.