Open ThePokerDude opened 8 months ago
It is an interesting board, and 1H is not everyones choice - 1S overcall is perhaps not best, but look what can happen After a weak 2H I totally disagree with 2S But I asked BEN, what to do with 4H, and got this response So BEN will not consider a double, probably due to missing training. In passout-sitatuations BEN might consider double, like West last pass but with less than 1%.
I think Ben has enough for a double to 4h.
[Event ""] [Site ""] [Date ""] [Board "196"] [Dealer "W"] [Vulnerable "All"] [Deal "W:T.9.K98753.T9432 KQ985.AT8763.2.8 76432.KQJ54..AKJ AJ.2.AQJT64.Q765"] [Scoring ""] [BCFlags "1f"] [Generator "BridgeComposer Version 5.104.1"] [South "WBridge5"] [West "ben0308p5dd"] [North "WBridge5"] [East "ben0308p5dd"] [Declarer "N"] [Contract "4H"] [Result "8"] {PAR of the deal: 3H = played by North: 140 points} {PAR computation time: 00'03"} {Feasability: 6 7 9 8 8 7 5 4 4 4 5 7 9 8 8 7 5 4 4 4 } [Auction "W"] Pass 1H 1S 2D Pass 2H Pass 3NT Pass 4H Pass Pass Pass [Play "E"] CK c5 C4 c8 S4 sj ST s5 HQ h2 H9 ht S7 sa D3 sq H5 da D5 d2 S6 d4 C3 s9 H4 c6 D7 ha HJ d6 D8 h3 S3 dt D9 sk S2 dj CT s8 HK c7 C9 h6 CA cq C2 h8 CJ dq DK h7