lorserker / ben

a game engine for bridge
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Bluechip protocol #59

Closed ZiggerZZ closed 1 year ago

ZiggerZZ commented 1 year ago


I had make corrections to Bluechip protocol implementation in ben but since then quite a lot of changes were made so it's becoming hard to resolve git conflicts.

Basically, I mostly removed dots in the end of the sentences (since the protocol defines them without dots) and added one or two missing communications.

I'm opening this issue and posting the code that worked correctly with a Bluechip table manager a few weeks ago. How would you like to go about it?

import sys
import re
import pprint
import asyncio
import numpy as np
import time
from bidding import binary

import bots
import deck52
import sample

from nn.models import Models
from deck52 import decode_card
from bidding import bidding
from objects import Card

SEATS = ['North', 'East', 'South', 'West']

class TMClient:

    def __init__(self, name, seat, models):
        self.name = name
        self.seat = seat
        self.player_i = SEATS.index(self.seat)
        self.reader = None
        self.writer = None

        self.models = models

    async def run(self):
        self.dealer_i, self.vuln_ns, self.vuln_ew, self.hand_str = await self.receive_deal()

        auction = await self.bidding()

        self.contract = bidding.get_contract(auction)
        if self.contract is None:

        level = int(self.contract[0])
        strain_i = bidding.get_strain_i(self.contract)
        self.decl_i = bidding.get_decl_i(self.contract)


        opening_lead_card = await self.opening_lead(auction)
        opening_lead52 = Card.from_symbol(opening_lead_card).code()

        if self.player_i != (self.decl_i + 2) % 4:
            self.dummy_hand_str = await self.receive_dummy()

        await self.play(auction, opening_lead52)

    async def connect(self, host, port):
        self.reader, self.writer = await asyncio.open_connection(host, port)


        await self.send_message(f'Connecting "{self.name}" as {self.seat} using protocol version 18.\n')

        print(await self.receive_line())

        await self.send_message(f'{self.seat} ready for teams\n')

        print(await self.receive_line())

    async def bidding(self):
        vuln = [self.vuln_ns, self.vuln_ew]
        bot = bots.BotBid(vuln, self.hand_str, self.models)

        auction = ['PAD_START'] * self.dealer_i

        player_i = self.dealer_i

        while not bidding.auction_over(auction):
            if player_i == self.player_i:
                # now it's this player's turn to bid
                bid_resp = bot.bid(auction)
                await self.send_own_bid(bid_resp.bid)
                # just wait for the other player's bid
                bid = await self.receive_bid_for(player_i)

            player_i = (player_i + 1) % 4

        return auction

    async def opening_lead(self, auction):
        contract = bidding.get_contract(auction)
        decl_i = bidding.get_decl_i(contract)
        on_lead_i = (decl_i + 1) % 4

        if self.player_i == on_lead_i:
            # this player is on lead
            print(await self.receive_line())

            bot_lead = bots.BotLead(
                [self.vuln_ns, self.vuln_ew], 
            card_resp = bot_lead.lead(auction)
            card_symbol = card_resp.card.symbol()
            # card_symbol = 'D5'
            await self.send_card_played(card_symbol)
            return card_symbol
            # just send that we are ready for the opening lead
            return await self.receive_card_play_for(on_lead_i, 0)

    async def play(self, auction, opening_lead52):
        contract = bidding.get_contract(auction)

        level = int(contract[0])
        strain_i = bidding.get_strain_i(contract)
        decl_i = bidding.get_decl_i(contract)
        is_decl_vuln = [self.vuln_ns, self.vuln_ew, self.vuln_ns, self.vuln_ew][decl_i]
        cardplayer_i = (self.player_i + 3 - decl_i) % 4  # lefty=0, dummy=1, righty=2, decl=3
        print(f'play starts. decl_i={decl_i}, player_i={self.player_i}, cardplayer_i={cardplayer_i}')

        own_hand_str = self.hand_str
        dummy_hand_str = '...'

        if not cardplayer_i == 1:
            dummy_hand_str = self.dummy_hand_str

        lefty_hand_str = '...'
        if cardplayer_i == 0:
            lefty_hand_str = own_hand_str

        righty_hand_str = '...'
        if cardplayer_i == 2:
            righty_hand_str = own_hand_str

        decl_hand_str = '...'
        if cardplayer_i == 3:
            decl_hand_str = own_hand_str

        card_players = [
            bots.CardPlayer(self.models.player_models, 0, lefty_hand_str, dummy_hand_str, contract, is_decl_vuln),
            bots.CardPlayer(self.models.player_models, 1, dummy_hand_str, decl_hand_str, contract, is_decl_vuln),
            bots.CardPlayer(self.models.player_models, 2, righty_hand_str, dummy_hand_str, contract, is_decl_vuln),
            bots.CardPlayer(self.models.player_models, 3, decl_hand_str, dummy_hand_str, contract, is_decl_vuln)

        player_cards_played = [[] for _ in range(4)]
        shown_out_suits = [set() for _ in range(4)]

        leader_i = 0

        tricks = []
        tricks52 = []
        trick_won_by = []

        opening_lead = deck52.card52to32(opening_lead52)

        current_trick = [opening_lead]
        current_trick52 = [opening_lead52]

        card_players[0].hand52[opening_lead52] -= 1

        for trick_i in range(12):
            print("trick {}".format(trick_i))

            for player_i in map(lambda x: x % 4, range(leader_i, leader_i + 4)):
                print('player {}'.format(player_i))

                nesw_i = (decl_i + player_i + 1) % 4 # N=0, E=1, S=2, W=3

                if trick_i == 0 and player_i == 0:
                    for i, card_player in enumerate(card_players):
                        card_player.set_card_played(trick_i=trick_i, leader_i=leader_i, i=0, card=opening_lead)


                card52 = None
                if player_i == 1 and cardplayer_i == 3:
                    # it's dummy's turn and this is the declarer
                    print('decls turn for dummy')

                    rollout_states = sample.init_rollout_states(trick_i, player_i, card_players, player_cards_played, shown_out_suits, current_trick, 100, auction, card_players[player_i].hand.reshape((-1, 32)), [self.vuln_ns, self.vuln_ew], self.models)

                    card_resp = card_players[player_i].play_card(trick_i, leader_i, current_trick52, rollout_states)

                    card52 = card_resp.card.code()

                    await self.send_card_played(card_resp.card.symbol()) 
                elif player_i == cardplayer_i and player_i != 1:
                    # we are on play
                    print(f'{player_i} turn')

                    rollout_states = sample.init_rollout_states(trick_i, player_i, card_players, player_cards_played, shown_out_suits, current_trick, 100, auction, card_players[player_i].hand.reshape((-1, 32)), [self.vuln_ns, self.vuln_ew], self.models)

                    card_resp = card_players[player_i].play_card(trick_i, leader_i, current_trick52, rollout_states)

                    card52 = card_resp.card.code()

                    await self.send_card_played(card_resp.card.symbol()) 
                    # another player is on play, we just have to wait for their card
                    card52_symbol = await self.receive_card_play_for(nesw_i, trick_i)
                    card52 = Card.from_symbol(card52_symbol).code()

                card = deck52.card52to32(card52)

                for card_player in card_players:
                    card_player.set_card_played(trick_i=trick_i, leader_i=leader_i, i=player_i, card=card)



                if player_i == 1:
                    for i in [0, 2, 3]:
                if player_i == 3:

                # update shown out state
                if card // 8 != current_trick[0] // 8:  # card is different suit than lead card
                    shown_out_suits[player_i].add(current_trick[0] // 8)

            # sanity checks after trick completed
            assert len(current_trick) == 4

            for i in [cardplayer_i] + ([1] if cardplayer_i == 3 else []):
                if cardplayer_i == 1:
                assert np.min(card_players[i].hand52) == 0
                assert np.min(card_players[i].public52) == 0
                assert np.sum(card_players[i].hand52) == 13 - trick_i - 1
                assert np.sum(card_players[i].public52) == 13 - trick_i - 1


            # initializing for the next trick
            # initialize hands
            for i, card in enumerate(current_trick):
                card_players[(leader_i + i) % 4].x_play[:, trick_i + 1, 0:32] = card_players[(leader_i + i) % 4].x_play[:, trick_i, 0:32]
                card_players[(leader_i + i) % 4].x_play[:, trick_i + 1, 0 + card] -= 1

            # initialize public hands
            for i in (0, 2, 3):
                card_players[i].x_play[:, trick_i + 1, 32:64] = card_players[1].x_play[:, trick_i + 1, 0:32]
            card_players[1].x_play[:, trick_i + 1, 32:64] = card_players[3].x_play[:, trick_i + 1, 0:32]

            for card_player in card_players:
                # initialize last trick
                for i, card in enumerate(current_trick):
                    card_player.x_play[:, trick_i + 1, 64 + i * 32 + card] = 1

                # initialize last trick leader
                card_player.x_play[:, trick_i + 1, 288 + leader_i] = 1

                # initialize level
                card_player.x_play[:, trick_i + 1, 292] = level

                # initialize strain
                card_player.x_play[:, trick_i + 1, 293 + strain_i] = 1

            # sanity checks for next trick
            for i in [cardplayer_i] + ([1] if cardplayer_i == 3 else []):
                if cardplayer_i == 1:
                assert np.min(card_players[i].x_play[:, trick_i + 1, 0:32]) == 0
                assert np.min(card_players[i].x_play[:, trick_i + 1, 32:64]) == 0
                assert np.sum(card_players[i].x_play[:, trick_i + 1, 0:32], axis=1) == 13 - trick_i - 1
                assert np.sum(card_players[i].x_play[:, trick_i + 1, 32:64], axis=1) == 13 - trick_i - 1

            trick_winner = (leader_i + deck52.get_trick_winner_i(current_trick52, (strain_i - 1) % 5)) % 4

            if trick_winner % 2 == 0:
                card_players[0].n_tricks_taken += 1
                card_players[2].n_tricks_taken += 1
                card_players[1].n_tricks_taken += 1
                card_players[3].n_tricks_taken += 1

            print('trick52 {} cards={}. won by {}'.format(trick_i, list(map(decode_card, current_trick52)), trick_winner))

            print('trick52 {} cards={}. won by {}'.format(trick_i, list(map(decode_card, current_trick52)), trick_winner))

            # update cards shown
            for i, card in enumerate(current_trick):
                player_cards_played[(leader_i + i) % 4].append(card)

            leader_i = trick_winner
            current_trick = []
            current_trick52 = []

            # player on lead will receive message (or decl if dummy on lead)
            if leader_i == 1:
                if cardplayer_i == 3:
                    await self.receive_line()
            elif leader_i == cardplayer_i:
                await self.receive_line()

        # play last trick
        for player_i in map(lambda x: x % 4, range(leader_i, leader_i + 4)):
            nesw_i = (decl_i + player_i + 1) % 4 # N=0, E=1, S=2, W=3
            card52 = None
            if player_i == 1 and cardplayer_i == 3 or player_i == cardplayer_i and player_i != 1:
                # we are on play
                card52 = np.nonzero(card_players[player_i].hand52)[0][0]
                card52_symbol = Card.from_code(card52).symbol()
                await self.send_card_played(card52_symbol)
                # someone else is on play. we just have to wait for their card
                card52_symbol = await self.receive_card_play_for(nesw_i, trick_i)
                card52 = Card.from_symbol(card52_symbol).code()

            card = deck52.card52to32(card52)



        trick_winner = (leader_i + deck52.get_trick_winner_i(current_trick52, (strain_i - 1) % 5)) % 4

        print('last trick')

        pprint.pprint(list(zip(tricks, trick_won_by)))

        self.trick_winners = trick_won_by

    async def send_card_played(self, card_symbol):
        msg_card = f'{self.seat} plays {card_symbol[::-1].lower()}\n'
        await self.send_message(msg_card)

    async def send_own_bid(self, bid):
        bid = bid.replace('N', 'NT')
        msg_bid = f'{SEATS[self.player_i]} bids {bid}\n'
        if bid == 'PASS':
            msg_bid = f'{SEATS[self.player_i]} PASSES\n'
        elif bid == 'X':
            msg_bid = f'{SEATS[self.player_i]} DOUBLES\n'
        elif bid == 'XX':
            msg_bid = f'{SEATS[self.player_i]} REDOUBLES\n'

        await self.send_message(msg_bid)

    async def receive_card_play_for(self, player_i, trick_i):
        msg_ready = f"{self.seat} ready for {SEATS[player_i]}'s card to trick {trick_i + 1}\n"
        await self.send_message(msg_ready)

        card_resp = await self.receive_line()
        card_resp_parts = card_resp.strip().split()

        assert card_resp_parts[0] == SEATS[player_i]

        return card_resp_parts[-1][::-1].upper()

    async def receive_bid_for(self, player_i):
        msg_ready = f"{SEATS[self.player_i]} ready for {SEATS[player_i]}'s bid\n"
        await self.send_message(msg_ready)

        bid_resp = await self.receive_line()
        bid_resp_parts = bid_resp.strip().split()

        assert bid_resp_parts[0] == SEATS[player_i]

        bid = bid_resp_parts[-1].rstrip('.').upper().replace('NT', 'N')

        return {
            'PASSES': 'PASS',
            'DOUBLES': 'X',
            'REDOUBLES': 'XX'
        }.get(bid, bid)

    async def receive_dummy(self):
        dummy_i = (self.decl_i + 2) % 4

        if self.player_i == dummy_i:
            return self.hand_str
            msg_ready = f'{self.seat} ready for dummy\n'
            await self.send_message(msg_ready)
            line = await self.receive_line()
            # Dummy's cards : S A Q T 8 2. H K 7. D K 5 2. C A 7 6.
            return TMClient.parse_hand(line)

    async def send_ready(self):
        await self.send_message(f'{self.seat} ready to start\n')

    async def receive_deal(self):
        print(await self.receive_line())

        await self.send_message(f'{self.seat} ready for deal\n')

        # 'Board number 1. Dealer North. Neither vulnerable. \r\n'
        deal_line_1 = await self.receive_line()

        await self.send_message(f'{self.seat} ready for cards\n')

        # "South's cards : S K J 9 3. H K 7 6. D A J. C A Q 8 7. \r\n"
        # "North's cards : S 9 3. H -. D J 7 5. C A T 9 8 6 4 3 2."
        deal_line_2 = await self.receive_line()

        rx_dealer_vuln = r'(?P<dealer>[a-zA-z]+?)\.\s(?P<vuln>.+?)\svulnerable'
        match = re.search(rx_dealer_vuln, deal_line_1)

        hand_str = TMClient.parse_hand(deal_line_2)

        dealer_i = 'NESW'.index(match.groupdict()['dealer'][0])
        vuln_str = match.groupdict()['vuln']
        assert vuln_str in {'Neither', 'N/S', 'E/W', 'Both'}
        vuln_ns = vuln_str == 'N/S' or vuln_str == 'Both'
        vuln_ew = vuln_str == 'E/W' or vuln_str == 'Both'

        print("end of receive_deal function")

        return dealer_i, vuln_ns, vuln_ew, hand_str

    def parse_hand(s):
        return s[s.index(':') + 1 : s.rindex('.')] \
            .replace(' ', '').replace('-', '').replace('S', '').replace('H', '').replace('D', '').replace('C', '')

    async def send_message(self, message: str):
        print(f'about to send: {message}')
        await self.writer.drain()
        print('sent successfully')

    async def receive_line(self) -> str:
        print('receiving message')
        message = await self.reader.readline()
        print(f'received: {message.decode()}')
        return message.decode()

async def main():
    host = sys.argv[1]
    port = int(sys.argv[2])
    name = sys.argv[3]
    seat = sys.argv[4]
    is_continue = len(sys.argv) > 5

    client = TMClient(name, seat, Models.load('../models'))
    await client.connect(host, port)

    if is_continue:    
        await client.receive_line()

    await client.send_ready()

    while True:
        await client.run()

if __name__ == '__main__':
ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 year ago

The current implementation should support Blue Chip Table Manager, as I had done the same work. Removing the dot's and added a few communications.

But As I also updated the Table_Manager_Client with more meaningful output, and have implemented a lot of changes about configuration my best advice is that you take the latest version and test it against Blue Chip, and the we fix it together if you find any bugs.

I have checked your changes and 2 changes are not implemented 1; The delay of 0.2 second before sending 2: Uppercase of Pass, double and redouble

But the rest is implemented.

ZiggerZZ commented 1 year ago

I'll test your version and tell you if I have any troubles. The delay of 0.2 second is because w/o any delay messages might get concatenated into one message, what we want to avoid. The value of 0.2 is arbitrary.

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 year ago

Yes, I had the same problem with my TM-integration to GIB, and started with 1 sec, changed it later to 0.1 sec, and have done some testing, where 5 ms seems ok, The delay should be after sending, and I have added the delay but only for send_card_played and specific places, where it was a problem

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 year ago

I have accepted your PR and agree, that BEN is not following the Blue Chip protocol fully, but be aware that most user are using Bridge Moniteur, that are not fully compatible with the Blue Chip Protocol.

BM available at http://www.wbridge5.com/bm.htm and we want BEN to support both BM and Blue Chip TM

ZiggerZZ commented 1 year ago

I have never used Bridge Moniteur, I suppose it should be flexible enough to support BlueChip itself and BlueChip with some deviations. But so far my table manager is compatible with Ben and WBridge5, so it's fine.

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 year ago

Fine, I will then close this with your PR.

ZiggerZZ commented 1 year ago

@ThorvaldAagaard How is the end of the board handled? According to the protocol at the end of each hand the Table Manager will send timing information to each hand in the form : "Timing - N/S : this board [minutes:seconds], total [hours:minutes:seconds]. E/W : this board [minutes:seconds], total [hours:minutes:seconds]".

However I don't see any timing handling intable_manager_client.py. Also, what is is_continue flag for?

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 year ago

I think is_continue is Lorands implementation for continuing a match that was interrupted. I have removed it in the incoming version as the new version is able to handle the small difference between starting a match and continuing a match.

The timing is being ignored in this implementation, but I think we should print it.

ZiggerZZ commented 1 year ago

How do start a new board, do I need to rerun python table_manager_client.py?

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 year ago

No, that is managed from the Table Manager - table_manager_client just listen and act according to the commands,. It will continue until being disconnected or getting "End of session"