all of test/test_* ends with some trivial exception if quiting with ESC or in the programatic termination done in autotest\
The exception does not happen if quiting with the window's close button
problem: this polutes the report generated by, now all test are marked as having tracebacks.
win7, py3.8, cocos b490c, pyglet 1.4.10
Additionally, between the noise was spotted
proxy run cmdline: ['D:\\dev\\cocos2020\\tools\\autotest\\', '', 't 0.1, s, q', 'D:\\dev\\cocos2020\\test\\snp']
err: Exception ignored in: <function ShaderProgram.__del__ at 0x0000000006EB5E50>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "d:\dev\cocos2020\cocos\", line 228, in __del__
File "d:\dev\cocos2020\cocos\", line 232, in destroy
File "d:\dev\pyglet-2019\pyglet\gl\", line 93, in __call__
ImportError: sys.meta_path is None, Python is likely shutting down
Exception ignored in: <function Shader.__del__ at 0x0000000006EB5550>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "d:\dev\cocos2020\cocos\", line 79, in __del__
File "d:\dev\cocos2020\cocos\", line 141, in destroy
File "d:\dev\pyglet-2019\pyglet\gl\", line 93, in __call__
ImportError: sys.meta_path is None, Python is likely shutting down
Error in sys.excepthook:
Original exception was:
in pure pyglet does not present this defect shows same behavior than cocos test_* , and also shows the exception when quiting with keypress over the 'quit' menuitem
ends with some trivial exception if quiting with ESC or in the programatic termination done inautotest\
.The exception does not happen if quiting with the window's close button
problem: this polutes the report generated by, now all test are marked as having tracebacks.
win7, py3.8, cocos b490c, pyglet 1.4.10
Additionally, between the noise was spotted
in pure pyglet