Not related to the problem but something that confused a bit the testing of the tetrico patch, there's a new audio-video decoder available in windows that does not need ffmpeg:
decoders: [WMFDecoder['.asf', '.wma', '.wmv', '.mp3', '.sami', '.smi', '.3g2', '
.3gp', '.3gp2', '.3gp', '.aac', '.adts', '.avi', '.m4a', '.m4v', '.mov', '.mp4']
Even with pyglet_ffmpeg installed tetrico was silent and printing
It comes ftom changes in pyglet-1.5-maintenance, comit just after the pyglet 1.5.7 release
They changed some internals and tetrico failed.
Not related to the problem but something that confused a bit the testing of the tetrico patch, there's a new audio-video decoder available in windows that does not need ffmpeg: decoders: [WMFDecoder['.asf', '.wma', '.wmv', '.mp3', '.sami', '.smi', '.3g2', ' .3gp', '.3gp2', '.3gp', '.aac', '.adts', '.avi', '.m4a', '.m4v', '.mov', '.mp4'] ]