lossendae / Cliche

A media manager for MODx Revolution
14 stars 11 forks source link

New update? #31

Open funkyduke opened 11 years ago

funkyduke commented 11 years ago

Hello, I just wanne know if there's still progress on Cliche or has this project stopped? I love this plugin, but see that it's still onder RC and there are still some problems with the manager (like upload not working in IE for example). So is this still a good plugin to use or should I better use Gallery, migx or something else?

Spheerys commented 11 years ago

I start using Cliche and i'm interested too by the answer to know if it's a good idea to begining to use this plugin or not....

funkyduke commented 9 years ago

Love to get an answer some day on this subject... In 2.3 Cliche is not looking good.

Spheerys commented 9 years ago

Cliche is more faster (in frontend) and more quickly to use than Gallery IMO Too bad this nice addon looks abandonned... Hopefully it's still working under Revo 2.3.3 Maybe "we" can rebirth this addon by forking it ?

rtripault commented 9 years ago

No doubt @lossendae would grant write access to the repository if anyone steps up to maintain it, right pal ? ;)

argnist commented 9 years ago

My fork is on last repository update but I've lost interest to develop it. I use msGallery from http://modstore.pro

Spheerys commented 9 years ago

Interresting but it's not free/OpenSource and worse : the website is in russian :P Is there en english version somewhere ?

argnist commented 9 years ago

It's open source https://github.com/bezumkin/ms2Gallery English version of modstore is in near future plans...

funkyduke commented 9 years ago

I think launching modstore for the not-russian market will be a great succes, there are some great plugins I see, but unfort. my russian is not that good. ;-)

Spheerys commented 9 years ago

Sure it will me a good idea ! I didn't know the russian community was so active with modx

And do you know if there is a way to install addon inside modx with the package manager from a git directory or must we do the install by hand ?