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No trailer option on REPLEXHERO #108

Open nadsy opened 9 months ago

nadsy commented 9 months ago

I have noticed that when using REPLEXHERO for collections it prevents the trailer button to be shown when selecting items.


lostb1t commented 9 months ago

not sure what you mean with trailer option? havent got an android myself. have screenshot shot of what you expected vs the hero?

nadsy commented 9 months ago

No trailer button showing with REHEROPLEX https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jpd7ncjwsvvewz3g9lw6k/REHEROPLEX.mp4?rlkey=waas61xwwaucko7jc1dq857u1&dl=0

Trailer button showing with NON https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/wrh6yuk7n5hajpld9hrk9/normal-collection.mp4?rlkey=5pfmox8a277nzwsmenenb1515&dl=0