lostintangent / node-azure

Tutorials that illustrate how to build Node.js apps with VS Code, and deploy them to Azure
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Show CLI support for Document DB #14

Closed nicolehaugen closed 7 years ago

nicolehaugen commented 7 years ago

I found it confusing that the walk-through led me to the Azure portal to create the Document DB - is it because Azure CLI doesn't currently have full support for this part of the scenario? Note that I did find info on how to do this...I haven't tried it yet, but plan to: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/documentdb/documentdb-automation-resource-manager-cli.

If this works, consider updating the walk-through to create Document DB via the CLI since it's always cumbersome to go to the portal. And, if the purpose is to also show the portal, perhaps just have a blurb pointing them to where they can find their resource group via the portal.

lostintangent commented 7 years ago

DocDB support only just landed in the CLI recently, and it still has a few bugs (that I filed), which prevent it from being a completely smooth experience. Once those are resolved, I'll update the tutorial.

The intent of this tutorial was to be 100% CLI focused, which is the why #1 and #2 issues on this repo are related to removing the need for portal steps. It was unfortunate that I needed to use the portal at all, but the DocDB support wasn't available in time for the keynote that this demo was given in.

This is a dupe of #1, so I'm going to close this issue, and we can track the DocDB CLI improvement via #1. Thanks!