loudapet / 42webserv

This project is about writing one's own HTTP server
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Think about implementing recgonition of absolute-URI form #17

Closed loudapet closed 1 month ago

loudapet commented 1 month ago

http://localhost:8080/testing.html is recognized by nginx, but basically ignores both scheme and authority components.

http://localhost:8080/testing.html will net the same result as http://localhost:90/testing.html or http://localhost/testing.html or simply smh://localhost/testing.html. That indicates it ignores those components, but it will still manage to find the resource and reconstruct the correct URI from the header fields - our parser currently refuses anything that doesn't start with a slash.

http://testing.html calls the default page (not sure why, probably considers testing.html a host name).

loudapet commented 1 month ago

Well, this clarifies things, sadly (RFC9112)

When an origin server receives a request with an absolute-form of request-target, the origin server MUST ignore the received Host header field (if any) and instead use the host information of the request-target. Note that if the request-target does not have an authority component, an empty Host header field will be sent in this case. A server MUST accept the absolute-form in requests even though most HTTP/1.1 clients will only send the absolute-form to a proxy.