louietan / anki-editor

Emacs minor mode for making Anki cards with Org
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Pushing cloze fails with unknown reason #103

Closed f-dangel closed 1 year ago

f-dangel commented 1 year ago


creating and pushing clozes stopped working for me in the latest anki version (I use anki 2.1.54 Qt5 on Ubuntu 22). It still works for Basic (and reversed card)s.

To reproduce, call anki-editor-push-notes on the following example

* Test cloze
:ANKI_DECK: Default
** Text
Some note

This fails with :ANKI_FAILURE_REASON: cannot create note for unknown reason

* Test cloze
:ANKI_DECK: Default
:ANKI_FAILURE_REASON: cannot create note for unknown reason
** Text
Some note

any idea how to fix this or what causes it?

Best, Felix

doolio commented 1 year ago

I presume you have installed via melpa? If you can check using the develop branch which introduces changes to the API it may resolve your issues. I can't say it will for sure as I'm still using Anki v2.1.15. See also #101.

f-dangel commented 1 year ago


thanks for the suggestion, indeed I installed via melpa. I just installed from develop (ff3230f) and checked again. Sadly, the problem persists and I get the same error message.

orgtre commented 1 year ago

I was receiving the same error message and believe the problem lies with Anki. When I got this message I also got the message "Cloze deletion can only be used on cloze notetypes" in the editor when trying to add a new note of type "Cloze" in Anki. The message appeared only after writing something like {{c1::test}} in the Text field and prevented me from adding the note. Do you see the same behavior?

After going to "Tools - Manage Note Types", deleting the "Cloze" note type (you could switch cards of this type to another type temporarily to avoid deleting them), and adding it back via the "Add" button and "Add: Cloze", I am not having this problem anymore. I can again create "Cloze" cards both within Anki and by pushing from anki-editor.

Maybe it was just a bug or the problem might have been related to this fact from the Anki manual:

The cloze note type is treated specially by Anki, and cannot be created based on a regular note type. If you wish to customize it, please make sure to clone the existing Cloze type instead of another type of note.

f-dangel commented 1 year ago

Hi, and thanks for the suggestions!

Since my workflow is completely based on anki-editor, and I have never used the {{...}} syntax before in my notes, I cannot confirm that using the syntax from within Anki causes the problem I have with creating Clozes.

I followed your suggestion to delete and add the Close note type. However, this did not solve my issue and I keep seeing the :ANKI_FAILURE_REASON: cannot create note for unknown reason.

orgtre commented 1 year ago

Too bad, if the problem persists I'd suggest trying to create some cloze cards within Anki to see if it works as expected there. If not you might have more luck asking for help on the Anki Forums.

I tried to reproduce your example:

* Test cloze
:ANKI_DECK: Default
** Text
Some note

And indeed I also get cannot create note for unknown reason. The issue then seems to be that Anki expects Cloze cards to actually contain some cloze syntax, so instead of just writing "Some note" try "Some {{c1::note}}":

* Test cloze
:ANKI_DECK: Default
** Text
Some {{c1::note}}

This note then pushes successfully for me. So the issue seems to be mainly the very uninformative error message (which we can't easily fix as anki-editor just passes on error messages from Anki/AnkiConnect). Does this solve your issue?

doolio commented 1 year ago

The issue then seems to be that Anki expects Cloze cards to actually contain some cloze syntax

But is that really surprising? I haven't used Cloze cards as yet so never fell victim to this issue.

In any case, to add a data point to support this. I'm running:

Version 2.1.15 (442df9d6)
Qt 5.15.2 PyQt 5.15.2

And this version creates the card for the test case suggested by OP but when viewing the card instead of displaying the content it displays the following message to include some cloze deletions and a link to help on the subject.

Please edit this note and add some cloze deletions. (help)

If I view the card in the Anki browser I see the card content given in the test case.

I presume both of you are running a newer version of Anki and so the card is simply not produced if cloze deletions do not exist for a Cloze note type.

@f-dangel why do you consider the test case you provided a Cloze card if it doesn't contain any close deletions?

f-dangel commented 1 year ago

Hey (btw thanks a lot for your help, I really appreciate it),

in fact I am 'abusing' cloze cards as one-sided cards without hidden information (like a fact I want to be reminded of every now and then). So chances are I am using the wrong card type to achieve what I want.

Is there a card type that reflects what I am trying to achieve?


orgtre commented 1 year ago

@doolio You're right, it's not so surprising. And yes, I'm also running Anki 2.1.54.

@f-dangel There is no built in note type with only one field/side but you can easily create one yourself within Anki (the desktop app). See this section in the manual. You'd go to Tools - Manage Note Types - Add - Add: Basic - OK. Then input a new name. Highlight the note type you just created and press Fields, highlight "Back" and press delete and save. You might then also want to click Cards and adjust the back template.

f-dangel commented 1 year ago

Hi again,

thank you for the description; this solves my problem:

Thank you very much for the quick responses.

I am not sure how relevant my use case is for others, and how to rename the issue such that it will be helpful for others in the future. Feel free to go ahead.

Best, Felix

doolio commented 1 year ago

Glad you found a solution. I would have made the same suggestion as orgtre. I'm curious though about your rationale. I don't understand how you are testing anything with a one sided card that isn't a cloze card. That is when the card appears you see all its content.

FYI, you can also specify :ANKI_DECK: Default as a file property by placing the following somewhere at the top of your file:

#+property: ANKI_DECK Default

This can be used when all the cards in a single file will be added to the same deck. I just use one deck but separate my cards by subject area in different org files. It avoids the need for subdecks (which at one time was recommended by the Anki maintainers) but still provides a level of organisation. This line just means I don't repeat myself in every headline property drawer. I do the same for the ANKI_TAGS property. So within each headline drawer I only have the Anki related properties ANKI_NOTE_TYPE and ANKI_NOTE_ID which are generally unique for each card. You can still override individual cards at the heading level if necessary. Be sure to hit C-c C-c somewhere on this line to refresh the local contents.

I also keep anki-editor-org-tags-as-anki-tags set to nil and have a file property for org tags with at least one tag namely #+tags: fc. With this I'm experimenting using org-fc to also have my SRS fully within Emacs, yay! This works using the same cards as anki-editor and org-fc use different headline properties. I will still use Anki has it offers excellent mobile support which I think is important so I can still do my reviews when away from my computer.