louietan / anki-editor

Emacs minor mode for making Anki cards with Org
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Got empty reply from AnkiConnect #55

Open xx299x opened 5 years ago

xx299x commented 5 years ago

My version of anki is 2.1.13. AnkiConnect has been reinstalled. image

Here's the information about request. My English is very poor, too.

[debug] REQUEST
[debug] Run: C:\tools\msys2\usr\bin\curl.exe --silent --include --location --compressed --cookie c:/Users/xx299/.emacs.d/.cache/request/curl-cookie-jar --cookie-jar c:/Users/xx299/.emacs.d/.cache/request/curl-cookie-jar --write-out \n(:num-redirects %{num_redirects} :url-effective %{url_effective}) --data-binary @c:/Users/xx299/AppData/Local/Temp/emacs-request4uGLZa --request POST
[debug] REQUEST--CURL-CALLBACK event = finished

[debug] REQUEST--CURL-CALLBACK proc = #<process request curl>
[debug] REQUEST--CURL-CALLBACK buffer = #<buffer  *request curl*-167308>
[debug] REQUEST--CURL-CALLBACK symbol-status = nil
[debug] (buffer-string) =
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/json

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

Content-Length: 4

[debug] -CUT-HEADER
[debug] error-thrown = nil
[debug] -PARSE-DATA
[debug] parser = json-read
[debug] data = nil
[debug] symbol-status = success
[debug] Executing success callback.
loyalpartner commented 4 years ago

@xx299x 你好,我也遇到了这个问题,想请教下,怎么输出下面的日志呢?

loyalpartner commented 4 years ago

我也遇到了这个问题,我的环境 os: win10 curl 来源 : msys2 我把 msys2 的 curl 删掉,然后用 scoop install curl 安装curl anki-editor 正常