louis-e / arnis

Arnis - Generate cities from real life in Minecraft
GNU General Public License v3.0
260 stars 18 forks source link

[DISCUSSION] Why is North not North? #50

Open cherbert opened 2 weeks ago

cherbert commented 2 weeks ago

When rendering an area of London why is everything rendered + 45 degrees?

North should be North. Whereas this script renders North as East.

louis-e commented 2 weeks ago

Hi there! Thanks for the notice, could you share the bbox input you used so I can replicate your exact case? I'm very busy with work right now but I'll look into this when I have time! :)

cherbert commented 2 weeks ago

arnis --bbox="-0.200061,51.399908,-0.189375,51.406053" --path=".minecraft\saves\morden"

This renders a small part of Morden in South London. But we have done bigger larger coordinates and it's always the same. The world is rendered with real world north facing east in game.

We are pasting the generated maps into an existing world project that has geographically accurate landmarks to the same scale. So it's really important for us to have this script generate maps in the correct real world orientation.

Appreciate you being busy. But will be really nice if we can get a fix for this when you have some free time to look at it. Thank you so much.

P.S Slightly unrelated issue but worth mentioning in case you have never looked.. it renders a lot of the River Thames through London as grass.

Here is the River Thames and the City of London in game incorrectly running north/south when it should be east/west
