The Star+ icon is active on playing star stations - pressing it unstars the station and removes it from the starred library. Repressing the star while it's playing does not add the station back.
Searching for the station, to add it back, shows the station as starred. Unstarring it in the search adds it back to the starred library.
The Star+ icon/action should sync with the station being played.
Starred station icons found via Search should sync with the station status after unstarring a station
Theres a logic error where star is set and then read back but state somewhere has not been refreshed and so it is reset back to unstarred.
Only happens when there is one starred station being unstarred.
The Star+ icon is active on playing star stations - pressing it unstars the station and removes it from the starred library. Repressing the star while it's playing does not add the station back.
Searching for the station, to add it back, shows the station as starred. Unstarring it in the search adds it back to the starred library.