louischan / simplewhite

A minimal theme for Mozilla Firefox.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Firefox New Tab Page #35

Open Snow8 opened 9 years ago

Snow8 commented 9 years ago


first let me say I love the theme. Great job.

I only have one small "issue" with it. The New Tab Page in Firefox looks not really "sharp".

Here is what Firefox looks for me with the default theme.

firefox default

This is Simple White.

firefox simplewhite

Would it be possible to add an option to use SimpleWhite with the "default firefox new tab page"? I prefer the much sharper/cleaner look compared to the slightly blurred text and tilted thumbnails.

Thanks a lot and keep up the good work :+1:

SW1FT commented 9 years ago

I agree with this, the blurred text is quite annoying tbh.

louischan commented 9 years ago

Perspective effect can be disabled using:

@-moz-document url("about:newtab"){
  #newtab-grid {
    perspective: none;
Snow8 commented 9 years ago

as a non-"hacker" xD

where do i change/put this? I tried userChrome.css but no luck. Sorry if this question is a little out of place here.

lychichem commented 9 years ago

@Snow8 Use the addon stylish and create a new userstyle, then copy the code into the new style, save. After you restart your browser it should work.

Snow8 commented 9 years ago

Ok, I figuered out how to get that code running without having to install stylish...

For everybody interested, you have to put it not into userChrome.css but rather in userContent.css in the chrome folder of firefox!

I was wondering what command is neccessary to disable the "animation" when you hover over a thumbnail in the new tab page. I did go through newTab.css on here but couldnt figuere it out :/

perguth commented 9 years ago

Uh, could not find that file. I found a hint in Mozillas archive but could not get it to work with FF Dev Edition:

Neither userChrome.css nor userContent.css exist by default. If you want them, you create them in the chrome subdirectory underneath the user's profile directory. userChrome.css controls CSS for the UI chrome of the Mozilla application; userContent.css controls CSS for content inside windows.

I find that the new tab page does not reflect the minimalism of the overall theme. The transformation of the screenshots and the animation make it all to heavy :(