louisdh / panelkit

A UI framework that enables panels on iOS.
MIT License
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Can I present it as a form sheet view controller and use resize to present it as full screen ? #22

Open sriteja25 opened 6 years ago

sriteja25 commented 6 years ago

I have a view and I want to switch between form sheet or half screen view and on a button tap or on resize handler press I want to present it as Full screen view controller.

Is it possible ?

louisdh commented 6 years ago

That's tricky, but a similar feature is included in OpenTerm: switching between floating mode and full screen. Here's the source code, which may help you with what you're trying to do: https://github.com/louisdh/terminal/blob/master/OpenTerm/Controller/Scripting/ScriptsViewController.swift#L123

sriteja25 commented 6 years ago

Oh thanks for pointing it out, just checked it. I see that you are maintaining the repo, great job.

Looks a bit complicated, can you help me out with a small example or such ?

LachlanGrant commented 6 years ago

@louisdh I can't seem to get the example provided to work for my application, would love to see this become a feature!