louisesarahevaeoin / GroupProject2019

Code used in the final group project LouiseSarahEvaEoin
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Create R Script #16

Closed sarahmcandrew closed 5 years ago

sarahmcandrew commented 5 years ago

Discussed with Louise and in line with dataset, opted to do predictive modelling with temperature of one city

sarahmcandrew commented 5 years ago

Cannot attach R file

sarahmcandrew commented 5 years ago



Set working directory to folder with dataset

install.packages("ggplot2") install.packages("caret") install.packages("e1071") install.packages("dplyr") install.packages("tidyr") install.packages("plyr") install.packages("rworldmap") install.packages("lubridate") install.packages("sqldf") install.packages("rpart") install.packages("forecast") install.packages("fpp2") install.packages("xts") install.packages("TTR")

Import the libraries

library(ggplot2) library(caret) library(e1071) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(plyr) library(rworldmap) library(lubridate) library(sqldf) library(rpart) library(GGally) library(forecast) library(fpp2) library(xts) library(TTR)

groupdata <- read.csv("weatherAUS.csv")

Familiarising myself with the dataset


Looking at the first 10 rows of the dataset

head(groupdata, 10)

Reviewing the last 10 rows of the dataset

tail(groupdata, 10)

Studying the structure of the dataset


Reviewing the summary of the dataset.


This tells us that there are missing values in the dataset


newdataset <- sqldf("select Date, Location, MinTemp, MaxTemp, Rainfall, Temp9am, Temp3pm, RISK_MM, RainTomorrow from groupdata") View(newdataset)




Calculate the mean for the 'MinTemp' column

meanmintemp <- mean(newdataset$MinTemp, na.rm = TRUE)

Impute missing values in MinTemp column

newdataset$MinTemp <- ifelse(is.na(newdataset$MinTemp), as.numeric(meanmintemp), newdataset$MinTemp)

Calculate the mean for the 'MaxTemp' column

meanmaxtemp <- mean(newdataset$MaxTemp, na.rm = TRUE)

Impute missing values in MaxTemp column

newdataset$MaxTemp <- ifelse(is.na(newdataset$MaxTemp), as.numeric(meanmaxtemp), newdataset$MaxTemp)

Calculate the mean for the 'Rainfall' column

meanrainfall <- mean(newdataset$Rainfall, na.rm = TRUE)

Impute missing values in Rainfall column

newdataset$Rainfall <- ifelse(is.na(newdataset$Rainfall), as.numeric(meanrainfall), newdataset$Rainfall)

Calculate the mean for the 'Temp9am' column

meantemp9am <- mean(newdataset$Temp9am, na.rm = TRUE)

Impute missing values in Temp9am column

newdataset$Temp9am <- ifelse(is.na(newdataset$Temp9am), as.numeric(meantemp9am), newdataset$Temp9am)

Calculate the mean for the 'Temp39m' column

meantemp3pm <- mean(newdataset$Temp3pm, na.rm = TRUE)

Impute missing values in Temp3pm column

newdataset$Temp3pm <- ifelse(is.na(newdataset$Temp3pm), as.numeric(meantemp3pm), newdataset$Temp3pm)




Export newdataset

write.table(newdataset, file = "finalgroupdataset.csv", sep = ",")

Step 4 - Ensure date is formatted the same in each row

newdataset$Date <- as.Date(newdataset$Date) format(newdataset$Date, format = "%Y %m %d")

View(newdataset) str(newdataset)

Predictive modelling

area <- 'Albury'

Subset the data

data.sub1 <-subset(newdataset, Location == area) View(data.sub1)


Create a time series graph for Albury

ggplot(data.sub1, aes(Date, MaxTemp)) + geom_line() + scale_x_date() + xlab("") + ylab("Max Temperature") + ggtitle("Time Series For Albury") + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black", size = 1))

Albury for one year

area12 <- 'Albury'

Subset the data by longitude and latitude

data.sub12 <-subset(newdataset, Location == area12 & Date >= '2009-01-01' & Date <= '2009-12-31') View(data.sub12)


Create a line graph for Albury for one year to see trends

ggplot(data.sub12, aes(Date, MaxTemp)) + geom_line() + scale_x_date() + xlab("") + ylab("Max Temperature") + ggtitle("Time Series For Albury 2009") + theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black", size = 1))

Convert the dataframe into an xts object

newdataset.xts <- xts(x = data.sub1$MaxTemp, order.by = data.sub1$Date) str(newdataset.xts)

Gather the average max temperature and date in a variable

newdataset_date <- apply.monthly(newdataset.xts, mean)


The data is then split into training and testing sets. When separating time series sets the training set is the oldest 80%

of the data and the test set is the more recent 20%. The reason we do not randomize the data are because we want to know

how well our model is going to predict future observations.

Select the first 80% of the data

newdataset_end <- floor(0.8*length(newdataset_date))

Assign the first 80% of the data to the train set

newdataset_train <- newdataset_date[1:newdataset_end,]

Assign the most recent 20% to the test set

newdataset_test <- newdataset_date[(newdataset_end+1):length(newdataset_date),]

Training data

newdataset_start <- c(year(start(newdataset_train)), month(start(newdataset_train))) newdataset_end <- c(year(end(newdataset_train)), month(end(newdataset_train))) newdataset_train <- ts(as.numeric(newdataset_train), start = newdataset_start, end = newdataset_end, frequency = 12)

Same again for test data

newdataset_start <- c(year(start(newdataset_test)), month(start(newdataset_test))) newdataset_end <- c(year(end(newdataset_test)), month(end(newdataset_test))) newdataset_test <- ts(as.numeric(newdataset_test), start = newdataset_start, end = newdataset_end, frequency = 12)

How far out we will need our training model to predict in order to compare with our observed values for evaluating the model accuracy.

forecast_horizon <- length(newdataset_test)

Checking the classes are time series for the training and test set

class(newdataset_train) class(newdataset_test)

Decompose the Time Series

newdataset_train_components <- decompose(newdataset_train) plot(newdataset_train_components) + title("for temperature in Albury")

Arima forecasting

auto.arima(newdataset_train, seasonal = TRUE) fit <- auto.arima(newdataset_train, seasonal = TRUE) tsdisplay(residuals(fit), lag.max = 45, main = '(2,0,2) Model Residuals')

fcast <- forecast(fit, h=30) #Specify forecast horizon h periods plot(fcast) lines(newdataset_test, col = "red") legend("topleft", legend=c("Actual", "ARIMA Forecast"), col=c("red", "blue"), lty=1:2, cex=0.8)

Checking the accuracy of the arima model

accuracy(fcast, newdataset_test)

Exponential Smoothing Forecast account for the trend and seasonal components

newdataset_train_esf <- HoltWinters(newdataset_train, beta=TRUE, gamma=TRUE) %>% forecast(h=forecast_horizon)

head(newdataset_train_esf$fitted) tail(newdataset_train_esf$fitted)

Holt Winters Prediction

newdataset_train%>% HoltWinters(beta = FALSE, gamma = TRUE) %>% forecast(h=forecast_horizon) %>% plot() lines(newdataset_test, col = "red") legend("topleft", legend=c("Actual", "Holt Winters Forecast"), col=c("red", "blue"), lty=1:2, cex=0.8)

Evaluating the accuracy of the forecasting models

accuracy(newdataset_train_esf, newdataset_test)

ETS(M, Ad, M) Prediction

predictets <- newdataset_train %>% ma(order = 3, centre = TRUE) %>% forecast(h = forecast_horizon) %>% plot() lines(newdataset_test, col = "red") legend("topleft", legend=c("Actual", "ETS(M, Ad, M) Forecast"), col=c("red", "blue"), lty=1:2, cex=0.8)

Evaluating the accuracy of the forecasting models

accuracy(predictets$mean, newdataset_test)

Forecasts from ETS(M,N,A)

fit2 <- ets(newdataset_train) fit2 #Discover the best model to use

prediction <- newdataset_train %>% forecast(h=forecast_horizon) %>% plot() lines(newdataset_test, col = "red") legend("topleft", legend=c("Actual", "ETS Forecast(M,N,A"), col=c("red", "blue"), lty=1:2, cex=0.8)

Evaluating the accuracy of the forecasting models

accuracy(prediction$mean, newdataset_test)

STL Forecast

fit3 <- stl(newdataset_train, t.window=15, s.window="periodic", robust=TRUE) focaststl <- forecast(fit3, method="naive", h=24) plot(focaststl) lines(newdataset_test, col = "red") legend("topleft", legend=c("Actual", "STL Forecast"), col=c("red", "blue"), lty=1:2, cex=0.8)

Evaluating the accuracy of the forecasting models

accuracy(focaststl, newdataset_test)

sarahmcandrew commented 5 years ago

Code to be reviewed by Louise and issues reported back to be rectified

Louisedalton commented 5 years ago

Sarah's code above and slimmed down version used in Azure experiment all are both saved in the Github