louislivi / SMProxy

Swoole MySQL Proxy 一个基于 MySQL 协议,Swoole 开发的MySQL数据库连接池。 A MySQL database connection pool based on MySQL protocol and Swoole.
MIT License
1.78k stars 257 forks source link

ERROR: SMProxy shutting down failed! #66

Closed baogaitou closed 4 years ago

baogaitou commented 4 years ago

Describe Your Environment (描述你的环境)

How to Reproduce the Problem? (如何重现问题)

[root@test smproxy]# bin/SMProxy stop
SMProxy is stopping ...
ERROR: SMProxy shutting down failed!

[root@test smproxy]# tail -f ./logs/2019/11/01/system.log
2019-11-01 09:55:50 [warning] Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (/www/service/smproxy/src/Command/ServerCommand.php:173)
2019-11-01 09:55:50 [warning] Invalid argument supplied for foreach() (/www/service/smproxy/src/Command/ServerCommand.php:173)

[root@test smproxy]# bin/SMProxy status
SMProxy[v1.2.9] - Linux test 3.10.0-957.12.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue May 14 21:24:32 UTC 2019 x86_64
Host:, Port: 3306, PHPVerison: 7.1.28
SwooleVersion: 4.3.1, WorkerNum: 4
Process :  0 total
louislivi commented 4 years ago
