louislivi / SMProxy

Swoole MySQL Proxy 一个基于 MySQL 协议,Swoole 开发的MySQL数据库连接池。 A MySQL database connection pool based on MySQL protocol and Swoole.
MIT License
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无法启动 #81

Closed Felo-Z closed 3 years ago

Felo-Z commented 3 years ago

Describe Your Environment (描述你的环境)


Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function SMProxy\go() in phar:///mnt/d/www/smproxy/SMProxy/src/Base.php:30 ...

原因 关闭了 swoole 的 use_shortname ,无法正常启动,hyperf 运行需要关闭 use_shortname,是否能做下兼容呢

andyhuang123 commented 3 years ago

PHP version: 7.4 Swoole version: 4.5.3 SMProxy version: 1.31[HY000] [2002] Connection reset by peer (/www/wwwroot/SMProxy/src/SMProxyServer.php:301)

[2020-10-20 17:56:43 #1160.2] INFO Server is shutdown now [2020-10-20 17:56:46 1166.1] WARNING swWorker_reactor_try_to_exit (ERRNO 9012): worker exit timeout, forced to terminate [2020-10-20 17:56:46 1165.0] WARNING swWorker_reactor_try_to_exit (ERRNO 9012): worker exit timeout, forced to terminate WARNING: Server is shutdown!


swoole手动升级到最新4.5.5 又正常了

SMProxy[v1.3.1] - Linux VM_0_10_centos 3.10.0-862.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Apr 20 16:44:24 UTC 2018 x86_64 Host:, Port: 3366, PHPVerison: 7.4.11 SwooleVersion: 4.5.5, WorkerNum: 2 Process : 23 total, 21 sleep, 2 query

louislivi commented 3 years ago

是的有时候存在swoole 兼容性问题,还有use_shortname这个问题将在近期进行修复。