louismeunier / wcaddons

A Google Chrome extension that adds extra functionality to (currently) worldcubeassociation.org.
MIT License
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Add external statistics sites to popup//change method of getting data #5

Closed louismeunier closed 3 years ago

louismeunier commented 3 years ago

Would like to be able to add:

It may be better to calculate certain statistics by rewriting the logic behind it rather than scraping the individual sites.

SoR should be easy to recalculate, though not sure how a lack of results should be accounted for, Kinch probably too (again, don't know how it works...). Nemesizer is far more complicated, so could scrape that, as well as some from Jonatan's site.

However, all of this does beg the question; why scrape all this info from the website's html? It MAY be possible to make requests to the WCA database, somehow. The only similar resource that does this is jonatanklosko's site using Travis, which creates a new instance of the SQL database from https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/results/misc/export.html and then builds the html... However, its not quite the same, since that codebase is not "live", ie, it doesn't need to be able to accept requests for any and all information, while mine would, to a limited degree.

Regardless, this route would be pretty cool if possible, but would also involve rewriting almost all the js currently part of the extension.

louismeunier commented 3 years ago

Turns out there's a (poorly documented...) WCA api. Will integrate it