louisoutin / rat_crypto_trader

Relation-Aware Transformer for Portfolio Policy Learning using Binance provider
20 stars 5 forks source link

Could you provide examples of your datasets (for example, upload them on google drive) #4

Open 280777510 opened 7 months ago

280777510 commented 7 months ago

thank you!

louisoutin commented 7 months ago

This repo uses binance API. You have to run the code it will download the dataset automatically using the lib binance Client for Python.

280777510 commented 7 months ago

This repo uses binance API. You have to run the code it will download the dataset automatically using the lib binance Client for Python.

Thank you for your reply, I run main.py and it prompts version="RAT v.%s - Relation-Aware Transformer for Portfolio Policy Learning" % version, NameError: name 'version' is not defined

Process finished with exit code 1