louisremi / jquery.transition.js

Upgrade jQuery's .animate() method to use CSS3 Transitions in modern browsers.
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Is slideDown() working? #17

Closed munimkazia closed 12 years ago

munimkazia commented 12 years ago

$(x).slideDown() is just showing x without animation instead of sliding it down. slideUp() seems to be working.

munimkazia commented 12 years ago

Similarly, show('slow') seems to just show the item, but hide('slow') seems to work as expected.

louisremi commented 12 years ago


Could you provide some test cases using jsfiddle? You can use this boilerplate and click to "fork" it: http://jsfiddle.net/qFM9G/1/

munimkazia commented 12 years ago

Here you go: http://jsfiddle.net/qFM9G/2/ Used a simple black div with slideDown and slideUp. As you can see, slideUp() seems to be animating properly, but slideDown() doesn't

louisremi commented 12 years ago

Thanks, I'll have a look at it. Not during this week-end, though.

louisremi commented 12 years ago

Hi @munimkazia,

Have you tried without my plugin? I just did and the result is the same. This is the expected behavior of .slideUp() on "display: none;" elements.

Feel free to reopen the issue if you believe I'm wrong.

Best regards, Lr

munimkazia commented 12 years ago

No @louisremi . I don't think you understood it. Have a look at this: http://jsfiddle.net/kYKd5/ For this, it shows the opening up animation properly.

Also, I don't have permissions to open the issue.

louisremi commented 12 years ago

Note that jquery.transition.js is loaded twice in your first jsfiddle : once from beta.nh7.in/js/jquery.transition.min.js, and once from github, using jsfiddle's "manage resources" feature (menu on the left). When I remove your version of jquery.transition.js, everything works fine. So I guess you are using an outdated version of the script. Did you download the latest one?

munimkazia commented 12 years ago

Sorry for the confusion. I had no idea that jsfiddle has already loaded the library. However, this problem seems to persist when I host this simple test code (along with your direct github library link) here: http://munimkazia.com/test.html Am I loading the library in the right place?

Sorry for being pedantic about this. But I really believe something is amiss.

louisremi commented 12 years ago

Alright, I'll have a look into it asap.

louisremi commented 12 years ago

Alright, I confirm there was a problem with the previous version of jquery.transition.js The update I was working one and that I released today happens to fix it, along with a couple of other bugs. Get it from the download section.

Thanks for your patience, Lr