louisremi / jquery.transition.js

Upgrade jQuery's .animate() method to use CSS3 Transitions in modern browsers.
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Opera support #23

Open miketaylr opened 11 years ago

miketaylr commented 11 years ago

Hi there,

Does this statement still hold in your opinion? "Although CSS3 transitions are implemented in Opera, the implementation has too many bugs to be usable from the DOM API."

I just had a look at csstransition.net in Firefox 16, Chrome 22, Opera 12.02 and Opera Next. According to my tests, Opera and Opera next have more letters on the bottom than the others:

Firefox 16: 6 boxes on the bottom: Firefox 16

Chrome 22: 8 boxes on the bottom: Chrome 22

Opera 12: 9 boxes on the bottom Opera 12

Opera 12.10 beta: 9 boxes on the bottom Opera 12.10 beta

Is there a less subjective measure of what bugs are required to be supported in this lib?


louisremi commented 11 years ago

Interesting! I'm not actively supporting the script so I did not test Opera support recently.

You can either wait for me to find some time to test it (that could take months) or follow this procedure: Download the jQuery project tagged with 1.7.2 https://github.com/jquery/jquery/tags Copy jquery.transition.js into test/ and include it in index.html just above the list of units; comment out the ajax unit (it can only annoy you). Then open index.html with Firefox, Chrome and Opera. As far as I can remember, Firefox and Chrome had less than a dozen tests failing (minor issues). If Opera performs equally well then I can enable Opera support.

But the script still needs a large rewrite to be compatible with jQuery 1.8 I wish I had the time and motivation to do that.

miketaylr commented 11 years ago

I might take a stab in the coming days, thanks!