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racesupportcontracts: Agreement Accepted email #269

Closed louking closed 5 years ago

louking commented 6 years ago

The Agreement Accepted email is sent when the race director accepts the agreement. This contains the same information as was displayed in the browser view after accepting.

To: Contact email From: raceservices@steeplechasers.org Cc: raceservices@steeplechasers.org, treasurer@steeplechasers.org Subject: ACCEPTED - FSRC Race Support Agreement - Event Date

Hi Contact First Name,

Thank you for contracting with FSRC for race support services for Event on Date.

[if finishline or coursemarking] You will be hearing from us about five days prior to your event for final coordination on our finish line services. [end finishline or coursemarking]

[if premiumpromotion] Please watch for your premium promotion to start about three months prior to your event. To receive these, please subscribe to our mailings at http://eepurl.com/bMW_Wf, and be sure to check the Frederick Area Featured Races option.

After your race, please send email addresses of your participants to communications@steeplechasers.org. These folks will be included in our mailings about Frederick area local races. As a reminder, you have agreed to include a statement in your waiver as follows, “I understand that I may receive emails about this race and other races promoted by the Frederick Steeplechasers Running Club.” [end premiumpromotion]

If you have any questions or changes, please contact raceservices@steeplechasers.org.

thanks, Mark Lawrence Race Support Chair, Frederick Steeplechasers Running Club

louking commented 5 years ago

moved to https://github.com/louking/contracts/issues/11