loup-brun / hugo-cite

📝 Easily manage your bibliography and in-text citations with Hugo, the popular static-site generator.
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Name_spacing #23

Open HughP opened 4 years ago

HughP commented 4 years ago


I'm encountering an issue as i use the hugo theme wowchemy. That particular theme has a short code called cite. So there is a conflict when both themes are used together. as I want my site to use hugo-cite I have moved it to be referenced as the first theme. However, it is my understanding that hugo-cite is designed to be the secondary theme. As such, I am wondering if it might be good to name space the short codes. As much as name-spacing is ugly, I don't know of another way to not conflict with other themes. One proposal is to use eth ð as a namespace element ð_ eth is pretty much exotic everywhere except in Iceland and the Faroe Islands... though another option would be to use the two rune version of å which would confound everyone including the Scandinavians.

loup-brun commented 3 years ago

The quick solution is to have hugo-cite as the first theme (as in Theme Components).

loup-brun commented 2 years ago

A solution for solving this in hugo-cite would be to use simple folder namespacing, since shortcodes can be placed in subdirectories (e.g. boxes/square, documentation).

In this case, the namespacing would look like this hugo-cite/cite, hugo-cite/bibliography just by placing the shortcodes in a subdirectory (i.e. layouts/shortcodes => layouts/shortcodes/hugo-cite).