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A Migrational Era Mod for CK3.
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Fix Holy Sites and Faith Tweaks #35

Closed LT-Rascek closed 3 years ago

LT-Rascek commented 3 years ago

I've been reviewing religions and holy sites as part of the landed titles overhaul (holy sites are listed as part of landed titles in CK2) along with some additional polish to religions.

@loup99 : The new holy sites are listed with their appropriate localizations, but I haven't made any determinations on holy site effects; I'll leave that to you as discussed previously.

@AvalonXD: I have some tweaks that might touch your implementations of Hellenic faiths (at the least). Is that going to be a problem or do you want an overview before I touch those religions?

LT-Rascek commented 3 years ago

Some Additional Questions:


Some other changes of note:




Egyptian Paganism:

Semitic & Assyrian Paganism

Other Pagans:

===== TODOs (so I don't forget):

loup99 commented 3 years ago

Should unreformed pagans all be lay clergy as per WtWSMS?

Well, unless you see any specific exceptions, that design was inherited from vanilla CK2.

All berber faiths are unreformed to allow any of them to be reformed in the game (this differs from WtWSMS, where Gurzil, Anti were reformed but African Solar and Central African weren't).

I think the reason for why Gurzil was pre-reformed is because it was already centred around one main deity. For Änti I don't know though.

Arianism uses Communion instead of Mendicant Preachers to reduce the risk of the AI swamping out Nicene Christinaity with the +33% conversion rate.

Ok, because there should be a threat but it shouldn't be that important, so that is better.

LT-Rascek commented 3 years ago

Well, unless you see any specific exceptions, that design was inherited from vanilla CK2.

Alright, reverted to theocratic_temporal clergy, except for semitic_pagan; I figure leaving them as lay_clergy better hints to the eventual evolution of Islam.

I think the reason for why Gurzil was pre-reformed is because it was already centred around one main deity. For Änti I don't know though.

Organization (at least to me) implies a degree of, well, organization. The type you'd find in Assyrian, Kemetic, or Greco-Hellenic Paganism instead of Gurzil, Amazighism, or most other paganism. The other reason to leave it not organized is having an organized variant in the religion means no other faith can become organized.

===== I've also started overhauling hellenism; kharis tenet has been removed and the patron deity mechanic is conformal with vanilla again. Unfortunately, there's too many deities in herkles initial implementation; we'd need to overhaul the event window widgets to make options scrollable. Not a big issue right now, but not really necessary right now. I've commented out a set to give most of the deities while still being readable.

Added Interpratio Romana tenet for classical hellenism; makes pagans astray (mutual) and eastern faiths astray (unilateral). Adds +10 popular opinion but doubles different faith popular opinion penalties (to try to model the issues of a hellenic ruling over abrahamics while having an easier time with pagans).

loup99 commented 3 years ago

Alright, reverted to theocratic_temporal clergy, except for semitic_pagan; I figure leaving them as lay_clergy better hints to the eventual evolution of Islam.

Well, I don't see why it would be separated, the division between the temporal and the spiritual is largely a Western Christian distinction, so rulers should presumably be allowed to hold temple baronnies for those unreformed religions.

Organization (at least to me) implies a degree of, well, organization. The type you'd find in Assyrian, Kemetic, or Greco-Hellenic Paganism instead of Gurzil, Amazighism, or most other paganism. The other reason to leave it not organized is having an organized variant in the religion means no other faith can become organized.


LT-Rascek commented 3 years ago

Well, I don't see why it would be separated, the division between the temporal and the spiritual is largely a Western Christian distinction, so rulers should presumably be allowed to hold temple baronnies for those unreformed religions.

Updated with 3485443.


Noticeable changes:

The new holy sites still require effects; I haven't written any for them. I'll leave that to you @loup99 .

At this point, I say its ready for review unless you want Islam to be given a new review; as I've focused on 476, I haven't touched anything in Islam yet.

LT-Rascek commented 3 years ago

Should we have the new holy site effects be part of this effort, or can we separate it out?

loup99 commented 3 years ago

Should we have the new holy site effects be part of this effort, or can we separate it out?

As you prefer.

LT-Rascek commented 3 years ago

As you prefer.

Since it's not strictly required, I say it's unnecessary for merging.

LT-Rascek commented 3 years ago


Spent a good bit of time re-reviewing Christianity to make it more conformal with WtWSMS:


As a thought, since dualists are missing many features they'd have in WtWSMS due to lack of tenet slots, I could do the same sort of coding trick I did with Judaizers and give them all a "Gnostic" doctrine that would emulate the Gnostic tenet without using a Tenet slot; that'd be particularly useful to add the Priscilianist features from WtWSMS (like GHW and monks).

Thematically, I do like that idea, because I don't like the idea of a dualist faith without gnostic features.


loup99 commented 3 years ago
loup99 commented 3 years ago

On the opinion modifiers in WtWSMS for religions, those were drawn from Lux Invicta and served to differentiate a major established religion with a small sect. The Communitarian (sectarian_light) aspect gave -10 general opinion, -20 infidel opinion and +20 same religion opinion. Sectarian (sectarian_heavy) gave -20 general opinion, -40 infidel opinion and +40 same religion opinion.

Then for conversion there were three categories, with one possessing a sub-category. Proselyte religions, which convert well but are vulnerable to conversion from within same religious group. Ancestral (unreformed Pagans), which does not convert well and does not resist conversion well, with the sub-category of offensive Ancestral religion which had access to conversion if their target's religion had a low moral authority. Finally Bastion of the Faith (Judaism etc and reformed Pagans), which are resistant to conversion but do not convert well.

Aren't the new interface possibilities and mechanics of CK3 an occasion to make these modifiers more integrated and visible?

LT-Rascek commented 3 years ago

On the opinion modifiers in WtWSMS for religions, those were drawn from Lux Invicta and served to differentiate a major established religion with a small sect. The Communitarian (sectarian_light) aspect gave -10 general opinion, -20 infidel opinion and +20 same religion opinion. Sectarian (sectarian_heavy) gave -20 general opinion, -40 infidel opinion and +40 same religion opinion. Then for conversion there were three categories, with one possessing a sub-category. Proselyte religions, which convert well but are vulnerable to conversion from within same religious group. Ancestral (unreformed Pagans), which does not convert well and does not resist conversion well, with the sub-category of offensive Ancestral religion which had access to conversion if their target's religion had a low moral authority. Finally Bastion of the Faith (Judaism etc and reformed Pagans), which are resistant to conversion but do not convert well. Aren't the new interface possibilities and mechanics of CK3 an occasion to make these modifiers more integrated and visible?

We could port them in, but I'm not certain they're well conformal with CK3's religion design. With the righetous/astray/hostile/evil relationship modifiers, the Lux Invicta work-around is probably not as necessary. I think we can reevaluate implementing them after some playtesting is done, at least that's my though.

===== 9a6d564 added special_doctrine_full_communion_christian for nicene and georgian orthodox to better represent relations between the two. full_communion views each other as righteous and ecumenical as astray, while ecumenicals view full communion as astray.

LT-Rascek commented 3 years ago

Minor Update:

loup99 commented 3 years ago
  • Moved Hepthalitism into Zunism religion as both Zunism and Hepthalitism are faiths of Hepthalite cultures. It still retains significant Zoroastrian flavor and uses Mazdan Syncretism instead of Eastern Syncretism.

I think it makes more sense to keep it inside the Zoroastrian religion and the Mazdan family. It has more in common with Zoroastrianism than Zunism.

LT-Rascek commented 3 years ago

I think it makes more sense to keep it inside the Zoroastrian religion and the Mazdan family. It has more in common with Zoroastrianism than Zunism.

We could keep them as a single religion and move them into the Mazdan family while leaving them with a pagan hostility doctrine. Or not. I'm not strongly wedded either way, but it's something to consider.

==== FYI, the 00_core_tenets.txt need to be a single file, or we have some serious issues with the way the faith_creation gui is coded, so I remerged the file.

loup99 commented 3 years ago

I think it makes more sense to keep it inside the Zoroastrian religion and the Mazdan family. It has more in common with Zoroastrianism than Zunism.

We could keep them as a single religion and move them into the Mazdan family while leaving them with a pagan hostility doctrine. Or not. I'm not strongly wedded either way, but it's something to consider.

I don't know if they should be hostile to Pagans, they could be an independent religion or a part of the Mazdan group but grouping them with the Zunists doesn't make sense as opposed to the previous setup.

LT-Rascek commented 3 years ago

I don't know if they should be hostile to Pagans, they could be an independent religion or a part of the Mazdan group but grouping them with the Zunists doesn't make sense as opposed to the previous setup.

Alright I've revert those changes.


I've implement a special "is_dualist_faith" doctrine for the dualist faiths to replace gnostic tenet for dualist faiths. This opens up a tenet slot to make major dualist faiths (priscillianism, valentinianism, sethianism, manichean) more in line with WtWSMS, and I've implemented tenets to meet those rules.


Besides Islamic religions (which are beyond the alpha) and some more localization polish, I think this is ready for merging at your convenience.