loup99 / BP

A Migrational Era Mod for CK3.
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0.2.0 Goals #85

Open LT-Rascek opened 1 year ago

LT-Rascek commented 1 year ago

Initial Planning for 0.2.0 Features





Map Stretch Goals

Landed Titles






loup99 commented 1 year ago

I personally don't think "Matter of Britain" struggle should be a priority at the moment as opposed to porting content from CK2. For example, mechanics relating to tribes (tribal shatter events) or the story and history events for 476 (WtWSMS_story_events.txt and WTWSMS_historical_events.txt) feel like content which partially could be interesting for 0.2 version. In terms of mechanics, to what extent are the Roman legions a priority? Features that were not fully in CK2 (church councils and Rise of Islam) are not pertinent goals for a 0.2, but are the Henotikon and Three Chapters Controversy things that should be included?

LT-Rascek commented 1 year ago

I personally don't think "Matter of Britain" struggle should be a priority at the moment as opposed to porting content from CK2.

Because we are probably going to want to model the Roman Religious situation as a struggle, I viewed it prudent to get our feet wet with struggles; the situation in Britain is relatively self-contained and should be a much smaller scope than something like Rome or even the Caucuses (which have a greater amount of diversity than Britain).

So items like the Henotikon or the Church Councils would probably be better written from the ground up as part of a struggle system, rather than porting in from CK2 then rewriting wholesale, or at least will save dev time. At least that's how I see it.

For example, mechanics relating to tribes (tribal shatter events) or the story and history events for 476 (WtWSMS_story_events.txt and WTWSMS_historical_events.txt) feel like content which partially could be interesting for 0.2 version.

Good points, so those might be useful things for other modders who are looking to get their feet wet with CK3. Porting events isn't too painful. I'd say those fall under "Re-add at least some of the missing CK2 decisions" and "Reimport at least some of the various CK2 flavor events that aren't implemented"

In terms of mechanics, to what extent are the Roman legions a priority?

I haven't experimented with vassal mercenaries yet. I'm also considering giving them leasing like Holy Orders do, but I haven't dug that deep. I did try creating some landless counties in game, but that creates a host of errors that aren't really fixable.

loup99 commented 1 year ago

Probably should be some sort of additional doctrine category where things like pilgrimages should be (so it's a selectable instead of hardcoded feature)? I'm open to category name suggestions.

For vegetarianism diet ethics or nutritionism (the term is a bit too contemporary)? For pilgrimage it could be called just that, no?

LT-Rascek commented 1 year ago

For vegetarianism diet ethics or nutritionism (the term is a bit too contemporary)? For pilgrimage it could be called just that, no?

I just called the group "Ritual Decisions" and then Used "Views on " for each item.
