lourot / github-commit-watcher

:mag: Be notified on new commits on watched projects
The Unlicense
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watch commits on a branch? #2

Open brianjmurrell opened 8 years ago

brianjmurrell commented 8 years ago

I tried to do <repo>/<branchname> in github URL parlance but it didn't work.

Is there any way to watch for commits on a specific branch?

lourot commented 8 years ago

Unfortunately not: gicowa lastrepocommits|lastwatchedcommits lists only commits on the master branch. However its first output line Last commit pushed on is for any branch so that when used as a cronjob, gicowa would detect commits to any branch. (Might be worth making the documentation more clear on that.)

But no, there is no way to watch for commits to a specific branch. Feel free to implement such a feature. I'll be happy to merge it in.